Chapter 38-Finale

Start from the beginning

Before Faye left she dropped off a bag with some clothes, books and my cell phone. She placed it next to my bed and as I reach into it I notice a little something sticking out of the bedside table's drawer. I frown as I open the drawer with a little protest from my aching ribs. I reach in and pull out a white envelope with my name on it in large cursive writing. I frown confused as I don't recognize the handwriting. I open it up and pull out a letter, with the letter a small locket falls out of the envelope and I pick it up admiring the intricate detailing and gorgeous vintage feel to it. I place it down and pick up the letter next and read it, tears forming as I process what I see. The words float around my head over and over again until it becomes too much and I let a dam of tears burst. I sit there crying quietly over everything, Declan, Arabella, Archer and of mother.

I read the letter a couple more times as I pick up the locket and place it around my neck.

My dearest Marilyn,

I'm not the mother you deserve, I'm a monster that's done terrible things, and while I resent your father for keeping from you, I'm glad he did because I don't want you to have anything to do with the type of life that'll be forced upon you if you and I were to reunite. That being said I can't leave you without letting you know that I've never, for one day stopped thinking about you. You're an intelligent and strong woman who warrants the world at her feet. I'm proud of the person you have become and I wish I could have been a part of your development. I know this is probably hard to process and you probably hate me right now, but I just want you to know that I love you and I will never stop loving you. As long as you wear the necklace I've placed in the envelope I'll always be able to reach you. It was a family heirloom and I hope you give it to your daughter or son one day and tell them that their grandma loves them. I am not worthy of your forgiveness so I won't even ask for it but I will ask for your understanding. I have a whole book of things I want to say to you but I don't have enough time to write all of this, I just hope one day we may meet and I can say these things to your face. It's still too dangerous for us to meet, but I will do everything in my power to get back to you, even if I die trying.

I love you,

A couple more tears drip down my face as I read the letter one last time before placing it back in the envelope and under my pillow. I open up the locket and find a picture of a gorgeous woman with dark brown eyes holding a tiny baby in her arms. I can only assume that it's my mother and I. I smile softly as I stare at the picture. She's done some horrific things and I don't know if I can move past that side of her but I want to try-she is my mother after all.

As I sit there and stare at the locket the door to my room opens softly and closes before I can even process what's happening. Sin enters my room and sits at the edge of my bed and holds a finger to his lips, indicating to me that he snuck in.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper confused. He watches me for a few moments, taking in my banged up state, I haven't seen myself but if the bruises and aches are any indication I must look like a walking nightmare.

"I can't believe what happened to you." He shakes his head as tears fill his eyes, "Andre and Faye told me."

I nod glad I don't have to tell him and relive the story.

"God, if I had just not gotten so fucking drunk this may not have happened." He runs a hand through his hair angrily. "I'm a fucking asshole." he shakes his head sadly.

"Don't say that." I reach out to him but pull back at the last moment, "This isn't your fault, it's Archer's" I spit out as I remember his awful smirk before he snapped Arabella's neck.

"Marilyn I can't do this." he states.

"What?" I whisper, barely able to breathe.

"Live without you." he shakes his head, "I almost killed myself when they said you might not make it." I gasp at his shocking words.

"Don't ever say that." I grab his hand as tears fill my own eyes. "Don't you ever say that again." I glare at him.

"I love you Marilyn." Sin states suddenly and I'm stunned. "Life's too fucking short, that night made me realize that I don't want to live in a world without you in it."

I smile through the tears, this feels like a dream. How many times had I imagined him saying this to me and here we are now.

"I love you too Sin." Sin smiles and leans forward to press a soft kiss to my lips.

"I want you to be mine." He mumbles against my lips.

"What about your parent's wish?" I can't believe he'd just forget about his promise to them that easily.

"You were right in saying they'd rather have me happy than married to Adella." Sin smiles sadly, "I love them but I can't live in the past anymore."

"I can't believe this is happening." I smile, there's so much I still need to tell him. What with Declan's warning of war and my mother's letter-we still had so much more barriers to cross. "Do you think we can make it?"

"Marilyn." he shakes his head as if my question is the most juvenile thing he's ever heard, "I can't tell you what's going to happen 10 years from now or even tomorrow but I can tell you that I will be right there beside you for as long as you'll let me." he kisses my hand softly and gazes up at me.

I don't know what comes next either but I know that I want him there through all of it. He wasn't my strength but he was my light. As I gazed at him and his loving expression I knew that I wanted to withstand anything with him.

But there is a big difference between wanting to and being able to, but for him I'm willing to try.


Unknown POV:

It took fucking forever for that stupid prick to leave her hospital room but at around 12:00 am he finally did. I dropped the cigarette I was smoking into a nearby pot plant. I know cigarettes and hospitals don't mix but fuck it, I needed it more than these people needed to live.

I slowly stalked towards her room, making sure Sin was completely out of sight. I stop before entering as I glance through the door window to see her sleeping form slumped in her bed. I smirk at her, fantasizing about how fun this was going to be.

I slowly enter the room, making sure not to wake her. I take a seat next to her sleeping form watching the slow movement of her chest rise and fall. I lit another cigarette as I reminisce about the goddess sleeping a few feet in front of me. I step up and place a gentle kiss on her forehead. She shifts in her sleep and I fear she might wake up. That would surely fuck everything up.

"Boss, we need to leave that psycho nurse is coming." Santiago states as he enters the room, I roll my eyes infuriated at his insolence. I make a mental note to cut one of his fucking fingers off later.

"Fine." I state taking a deep puff of my cigarette. I should really stop smoking the fuckers, this shit'll kill me and I'm nowhere near ready to die just yet.

I stop and watch her for a few more seconds as I visualize her and me together and the shock she's going to get when she finally sees me. But not just yet.

"Rafael, come on." Santiago pleads again. Make that two fingers.

I grin as I follow Santiago out the door and out of the hospital. Marilyn and that little boyfriend are about to come up against the one thing they can't beat.




A/N: There you have it!! I can't believe I've finished my first book. There's still a lot more to Sin and Marilyn's story and there is a sequel in the works. Depending on how well this book does I will consider writing the sequel but only if it this book reaches my personal goals.

Thank you for all that have taken the time to read my work it's been an absolute pleasure writing it and I sincerely hope that my work is enjoyed but all my readers.

Once again, thank you for reading!

-Mara <3

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