Sin gives me a disappointed look but doesn't say anything else. He forces a small smile on his face and runs his hand softly over my cheek before pulling it away almost immediately. "I really am sorry." He says before heading back upstairs and leaving me standing there wondering why all of this had to be so complicated.


I start Andre's car and make my way to the nearest coffee shop to pick up some breakfast for myself and Faye. I took this time to process the fact that because of me my best friend could have gotten seriously harmed...or worse.

As I wait in line at the little café I found down the road from the house, my mind drifts to Andre and whatever the hell happened between him and Faye. I grab my cell phone and dial his number, praying that he picks up.

After a couple of rings, my mood deflates at the prospect of him not picking up but just when I'm about to give up a voice that is definitely not Andres picks up the phone.

"Andre's phone." The girlish voice answers suspiciously.

"Who the hell is this?" I bark out surprised at the female voice that definitely isn't my best friend's.

"Who is this?" the girl spits out in irritation. "Look we're kinda busy so if you could just-" she starts but is cut off by a disturbance on her end. There's shuffling for a couple of seconds before Andre's voice greets me.

"Mari?" he says softly and it takes everything in my power for me not to scream obscenities at him through the phone.

"Andre you're going to meet me at the café on Brooklyn street and you're going to explain to me why the hell you're with another girl at a time where Faye needs you the most okay." I spit out before hanging up.

I move out the line and take a seat facing the window. And just like that my appetite vanished.


I watched Andre exit a car that was unfamiliar to me. It probably belonged to whoever that woman on the phone was. I shivered in disgust at the different scenarios ran through my head of what he was going to say to me. I begged and pleaded with God that it wasn't what I thought it was, but as I saw his dejected face walk into the café I knew my praying was fruitless.

I glanced anywhere but at him as he took a seat across from me I didn't want to see the shame and regret in his eyes because I would lose it.

There was an uncomfortable silence between us for a few moments before he broke it with a strangled sob. I was shocked at his blatant show of emotion but didn't comment on it.

"I fucked up Mari." He choked out, "I fucked up real bad." With every syllable he broke my heart one piece at a time. I was stunned into silence and he wasn't even my boyfriend. I felt an incredible bout of anger towards him-how dare he? I glanced at him angrily as the severity of his words sunk in.

"Just, tell me what happened?" I sighed and tried my best not to let the intense rage-filled words I had in my mind stream out.

"We-we got into a fight yesterday." He tiredly glanced at the table before slowly dragged his gaze to face me. "My friend from a while back was here visiting and I wanted to see her, but you know how Faye is..." he trailed off.

"Well obviously she has a reason to be the way she is." I spit out harshly, interrupting him.

He sighs and looks as if he's holding back tears, "I deserved that." He resolutely says.

"You deserve a lot worse." My tone softens slightly at seeing his broken expression. "Just continue." I grab hold of his hand reassuringly. I quickly remove it as I remember why we're here.

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