The dance-part two

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OMG you guys I'm so sorry!!!
My phone was having storage problems and me and my family moved.
I deleted Wattpad and couldn't get it back for a while but now I have it back!!!!
( Holy crap I gained alot of readers while I was gone....0.0)
I'm going to try my best to update frequently now.
I tried making this one longer!!
( Probably everyone left because I took way too long )

Y/n pov
Honey Senpai continued to dance with you, he looked up at you smiling, before he spoke "y /n-chan, im really glad you're part of the host club now." He smiled at you widely, you gave him a soft smile back and nodded slightly. "Yeah I wasn't too fond at first... you guys are an interesting bunch..."

Very interesting..

You laughed slightly, before the song ended.

Honey Senpai looked at you, and pouted slightly "awe.   The songs over already?" He said pouting slightly before looking up to you " thank you for this dance y/n-chan" he said lifting his frown to a cheery smile, and bowing slightly  trying to be a gentleman. You smiled and chuckled at his adorable guesture.

He hesitantly let you go before he looked down, then back up at you. You smiled and bowed your head smiling at him. "Thank you for teaching me to dance honey senpai" you said waving slightly and starting to make your way to the side of the  dance floor, before someone grabbing your hand stopped you. You stoped and turned seeing a flustered honey senpai. "Will.. you dance with me again sometime y/n-chan?" He said looking down and blushing. You looked down at him a bit Surprised... was he.. embarrassed?? 

You shook your thoughts away and nodded smiling slightly. "Of course honey" you said before he smiled widely and stuck his tongue  out "okay! I wont forget it y/n-chan" he said giggling and running off back into the dance floor.

You raised a brow at this and shook your head smiling at his cute nature. Before going off back to the side where mori had been.... he was gone?.. you sighed slightly and walked over to the snacking table you looked around the table looking at all the food your father had brought in for the party. You smiled at the choices and walked over to your favorites and started getting a small plate of it.. or a big plate of it. Okay... it was bigger than you thought. (Alot of food lol meeeeeee too... oh crap wait I was writing a story.   We should get back to that. oops sorry (ಥ _ ಥ).)

You took your plate and walked over to the back doors of the room showing the side front of the school. The rose bushes and small pavilions carved out of stone. You glanced over at the host club members dancing with other guests and let out a small sigh heading over to a small stone bench under the pavilions. Putting your plate in you lap and eating the music in the ballroom playing in the distance.  "What are you doing all the way out here?" You heard a familiar voice say.

You turned your head seeing tamaki walking up to you a sweet smile on his face. You smiled at him lightly and looked up to him. " Well it's pretty crowded in there" you said then going back to your food. He let out a small chuckle and walked up to you his hands in his pockets, before he sat down next to you. " Yeah, school dances hosted by the host club do have allot of people show, huh?" He said curiously before glancing down to you. You nodded " well, you're the host club, you've got girls practically at your feet admiring you" you said giving out a small laugh and sigh putting your plate on the small table under the pavilion in front of you. You heard tamaki sigh very dramatically and chuckle.

"Well, what can you do? When You've got a face like muah, how can they not admire?" He said full of pride, glancing down to you. You chuckled slightly "sure tamaki.." there was a comfortable pause between you two before he spoke.

Charades (OHSHC x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang