"You can stay there for however long, so you can relax there, Al." Hudayfah clears his throat, scratching the back of his neck. "I...It's a great place for a little...break."

"Awe, Hud." I laugh, feeling the urge to pull his cheek which has tinted slightly crimson. He's probably feeling slightly awkward. "You planned it! Check you out! Awe, thank-"

"Hush, Al!" He jokes, rolling his eyes playfully. His laugh is the only sound I hear in this quiet moving vehicle, making me join in. "Go to sleep. You got up early for this."

I want to argue with him and tell him that I'm fine, but that would only sound dumb after giving out the longest yawn ever. I can't be going to sleep and letting Hudayfah drive in silence with no-one to talk to, I mean he's taking us to this place out of his own will. He woke up early for this too so he should be getting some sleep too, right? Although knowing him, he probably stayed up after Fajr playing video games instead of going back to sleep.

"Uh, tell yourself that!" I retort back to him as I take off his jacket which is placed on the passenger seat in front of me before gently laying it on top of Nafisah's body. She stirs in her sleep, her hair messing up further in my lap causing me to quickly brush it out of her face.

"I'm immortal, girl!" Hudayfah's voice rises a few octaves as he clicks his fingers, probably trying to imitate a girl. "I don't need no sleep, chick!"

My eyes bulge out of my sockets as I stare at him in disgust, totally mortified for him. He turns back to look at my reaction and then bursts out into a fit of laughter, his free hand slapping his thigh as he does so. His laugh is contagious and within seconds my laugh erupts inside the car, unfortunately awakening Nafisah.

"Never do that again!" I say between breaths, my eyes watering from how hard we're both laughing. "Please, never!"

Hudayfah laughs even harder causing Nafisah sit up, her hair a mess and it's evident from the mark besides her lips that drool has slid out of her mouth as she slept. She rubs at her eyes before looking around her surroundings, confusion written all over her face until she looks back at me with a smile. "Are we there yet?"

"Nemo!" Hudayfah fist bumps the air, quickly turning his head to look at Nafisah. His smile reaches the corners of his eyes as he brings a hand up to ruffle her hair whilst the other hand stays on the wheel. "You're awake! I missed you, sleepy head!"

Told you.

The two of them go together like peas in a pod which I am totally grateful for. I'm not exactly sure about how Nafisah is with her brother at home when I'm not there however yesterday just showed me how I really should stick around. Either way, Hudayfah is more or less an elder brother to her, treating her like his own sibling. I'm glad that Nafisah has him to turn to when her own brother is a mess and her father isn't around anymore.

Before I know it, Nafisah has scrambled into the front seat, hitting a different gear with her feet causing the car to fly to which Hudayfah immediately changes back into the right speed. She apologises as she straps herself into her seatbelt after Hudayfah reminds her to before they both go into a long conversation about some new trend.

I want to protest and show the slight bit of hurt I have for Nafisah deciding to leave me in the back for Hudayfah but instead my heavy eyelids take this time to weigh down and I find myself falling asleep.

After God knows how long, my eyes flutter open and I stretch out my body whilst giving out a long yawn. I sigh as I slump into the seat, turning on my side to make myself more comfortable before closing my eyes once again.

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