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It has been four months. Four months that I have not step a foot outside this place and I fucking get frustrated when Camila would not let me leave with her. She had excuses covering for her, but I am not bailing out on her this time. She was hiding something from me and I need the truth coming from her. I couldn't bear the thought of living my whole life as a lie judt because I am letting my tender emotions for someone being in my way from extracting the truth out from the person I have always adored.

"Camila," I called and she looked my way, I was glad for a hold of her attention that I have been trying to get a complete grasp of for so long today.

She arched an eyebrow. "Yes?"

I inahled. And exhaled.

"Where is Tristan? Everything looks so out of place. The clocks aren't working, I am not allowed to leave this place, there is no signal, Tristan disappeared out of nowhere, I never saw a single person walk by this house." I stopped and breathed.

"I'm getting visuals of people dying, some girl used to whisper to me and God I wanted that to come to an end—"

She cuts me off. "You're getting those? The flashbacks?"

"Let me finish first. The last of all, I don't have it anymore. My OCD? It's completely gone by now, I don't get bothered when you leave the door open, I don't care if my hands touch your skin late at night. I don't care about those small things like I did, why?"

It was confusing, everything was. Camila's face told me a different story. She looked perplexed and her eyes showed pity. How was any of these occurances ever possible?

Camila is related to it somehow. She stood silent for once I have met her.

"So?" I asked, challenging her.

"I don't know—"

Nope, not this again. I'm done with her lying to me all over this time. She has done enough. I cannot let her lies try and ruin my life even if it was already a debris of what she has done in my past life. It was difficult to know what I felt for her because of this. One moment, I was dreading to be in the bed with her—having her all over me to treat me the way she had always been, then the next second—she was doing something that either gave away all the good things she's done for me. She was like a hindrance to something more.

"Don't give me that bullshit. I know something's up, why don't you tell me?"

Her expression fell. I didn't like seeing her hurt but whatever she wss doing to me was not right. I don't think I can ever trust this girl anymore. The lies keep on coming from her filthy mouth, endlessly. I have desired to trust her once but I didn't know what words to believe in anymore, especially when those words originally came from her.

"We―We aren't living on where you think we are right now. We aren't in Miami, we're in the Spirit Realm," she mumbled as she kept her stares somewhere else around the room, she didn't like holding gazes with me when she knew she had done something in order to disappoint me. I wanted to hold back the feeling of being surprised of the information she let out on me. My gut told me not to react too much on this situation, for it would lead to something where I wouldn't want this situation to arrive to.

Anyways. Spirit Realms don't even exist. I'm not living on a fairytale, or a story. There was no such thing as a mythical, bt Camila made me not believe that saying anymore.

"That's―" I was about to protest until she beats me to it.

"You might think it's another bullshit kind of a lie that I am making up, but it's true, Y/N, you have to believe me" she said with pleading eyes.

"I want to go back to Tristan. I don't want you, I knew bringing you back into my life would mean issues and more pathetic lies. That's all you do, right? Lie and lie and lie and lie until you get a grasp of what you want," I spat and she stood on her feet, aggressiveness taking over her.

"Y/N please. You're―" she tried saying.

"I'm what?" I irritatedly say.

"You're dead." she says.

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