Chapter 41 | Helpless

Start from the beginning

"Trust me, there are a lot of people here willing to give me a ride home but that doesn't mean you can leave." I said.

He grunted but followed me anyway. When I spotted Penny, I tugged on Tucker's hand and pointed towards her.

"Compliment her and chat up a bit but don't ask about school or anything related to that. Talk about the holidays and then ask her to dance —"

"No way, no. I don't have it in me." He protested but I kicked him with my good leg and glared at him.

"You don't have a choice, unless of course you want to join the fractured leg club with me. I'll make it super painful." I warned him.

"Are you sure you didn't—"

"Attempted suicide and called it a accident? No." I said harshly.

He shook his head and I winced a little when I realized I completely misjudged him.

"I was going to ask if you hit your head but never mind." He mumbled, I barely heard him over the loud music.

I sighed and shifted on the wheelchair to get into a little more comfortable position. "Just kiss her when the two of you start staring at each other, will you?" I said.

He opened his mouth to say something but I pushed past him and made my way towards the den. It was full of familiar faces but I was glad it wasn't any of my close friends.

I instantly became the center of everyone's attention and before I knew it, I was in the middle of everyone who were intently listening to my accident story and signing my casts. I didn't miss every other guys attempted at writing there phone numbers. I had to glare at them to show I wasn't interested.

Who the hell would be when they had a hot guy like Bellamy to call a boyfriend?

It felt like ages since I had this much fun at a party. I laughed the entire time and I had zero regrets of taking a few extra painkillers for tonight.

But all good things had to come to an end. I was convinced my friends weren't hear but then I saw a glimpse of Luke and Natasha walking around with a few other seniors from school. I quickly ditched the jocks I was with went to hide in a secluded corner of the house. It was more of a make out spot for some couples giving them a little privacy but not entirely. I gagged at a drunken girls attempted to do something gross with a drunk guy. I teared my eyes away from that hallway and my eyes landed on a figure standing on the patio.

My curiosity got the best of me as I started to make my way towards them. They looked familiar and when I got closer, I got a better look at the guy standing there, his back perfectly facing me.

My stomach crunched and I was about to turn around when the guy turned to face me. That smug smile on his face was enough to my breathing, only it didn't. Before I even knew it, I was yanked outside into the cold. My wheelchair almost tipping my over. My scream barely a sound to those drunk couples making out just on the otherwise of the door.

"You little bitch!" He said as he pulled my hair, forcing me to look at his face.

Leon looked horrible, bruises and scars still there from that night at the lakehouse.

"You fucked with the wrong people!" He growled and I shut my eyes as he pulled harder on my hair.

"I didn't do anything!" I screamed but he wasbt phased.

"You could've surrendered but you had your little guard dogs try to protect you. Too bad we're always going to be one step ahead." He laughed, knowing how much more filthy he sounded. I dug my nails into his hand to pry his hand off my hair.

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