Chapter 32 | The Creepy Stalker Gets Rejected

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I currently sat on Luke's couch with Eliza who was braiding my hair. I asked for pigtails but she said boxer braids would look better with my outfit.

Chris was taking pictures of Brianna while she ignored him. Harry had a list of pranks we could pull on Keith but I decided to go for putting snow in his pants when we have a snowball fight which was long overdo.

When Bellamy came I couldn't help but stare and smile at him. He wore a black beanie but this one had a fluffy ball on it that made him look absolutely adorable. Apart from that he was in his usual attire, black shirt, jeans and leather jacket and of course, his combat boots.

He smiled at me as he passed by and Keith kicked my thigh from the side.

"You're staring like a creep" He whispered into my ear.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed as Eliza pulled my hair.

"Stop moving!" she yelled and I rolled my eyes since this was the thirtieth time she said that to be.

"Is she always this annoying?" I asked Harry who was humming to some song Keith played on his phone.

"Your hair are in my hands," Eliza warned as we laughed. "Don't even think about it."

"Okay everybody, form your teams!" Luke announced.

Me, Eliza and Keith were in one team. While Bellamy, Natasha and Chris were in another. Harry, Luke and Brianna were in the third.

"Shouldn't he be in another team if we want to get him?" Eliza whispered as she finished off the braids.

"No, you'll take him to the middle of the ground so I can pull his pants. The rest will do the job for us." I said with a wink. She nodded her head and we went to gear up.

I wore the black beanie I stole from Bellamy and went to wear my coat.

"Nice beanie," I said to Bellamy as I flicked the little fluffy ball it had.

He quickly reached over and took mine off as well as his.

"Glad you like it because I'm taking this one back." He had while wearing the one I was.

"No way, you looked adorable in it." I pouted as he fixed his beanie on his head. I smiled at how fixed the hair on his forehead so it looked natural in a way.

"That's exactly what I don't want to look like." He said before putting the other beanie on my head. Eliza slipped his hands away.

"Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to tame her hair into braids?" she scolded him as I laughed.

"I feel you. Mom had to cut Rosy's hair after I tried to braid it." He laughed and I shoved him away.

"You're such a bad brother," I said while shaking my head and walking towards the backyard.

"What did you say?" he said playfully before trying to tickle me. I ran towards Chris and hide behind him.

"When I open the door the fight starts," Harry said.

We agreed and he let out an Indian scream before running out. Keith ran behind him and kicked Harry right in the butt causing him to fall face first. That's when everyone else went outside to take cover and make snowballs.

I turned to see that me and Bellamy were the only ones left in the room. His gaze met mine and a smirk appeared on his face.

"Fuck," was the last thing I said before sprinting outside. I felt his presence behind me but Eliza noticed and threw a snowball in my direction. I quickly ducked and when I turned around I saw that she got him right I'm the face.

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