Chapter 2 | Anything Cheesy Will Do

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Song: Best Day Of My Life

Artist: American Author

I woke up to the sound of a text message on my phone. I stretched and checked my phone to see it was my mobile phone company. Great. My eyes widened as I checked the time on my phone to see it read 3:30pm. Darn it. I probably missed the chance of meeting mom again. I jumped out of bed and hit the shower. Once I was done, I changed into fresh clothes and made my way downstairs where I heard voices.

I walked into the kitchen to see a beautiful, tall woman with the same hair color as mine and probably Brianna's too if she didn't dye it. She turned around and immediately pulled me to a hug. Her embrace felt just like dads and things lead to a very emotional yet overwhelming conversation between me, mom and Brianna. Mom took a leave from work for the next two days so she could spend it with me and Brianna.

Those two days went by fast but we did a lot of talking and in some ways we made up for all the time we weren't together. My mom had to leave for work today early in the morning. She told us to keep sleeping but we got up anyway and prepared breakfast for her.

School was almost two weeks away so I had enough time to adjust here. Brianna was really excited to take me to school. It was one of the private schools in town that didn't require a uniform hence it was pretty cool. As we talked the entire day, we realized how much different yet similar we were. We talked about practically all of our life experiences.

Another day passed and I finally got the power to unpack properly and organize my room the way I wanted it to be. A moving truck also showed up with all of my furniture that my Aunt sent. She wasn't so keen on it first but when her daughter claimed my room she started making plans on sending everything hear.

Brianna called in her friends since I could use a few muscles for arranging my room. We set up my canopy bed and threw fairy lights all over the room.

We hung up paintings and pictures and a few posters too. There was enough empty space for practicing ballet and other dance forms.

I was a freak for ballet. I've been passionate about since I can remember. It made me feel whole.

My music system lied there against the wall. I placed my dresser in the corner and my full length mirror stood beside it.

Once all of the heavy things were placed, the boys went downstairs and Eliza and Brianna help filling my wardrobe and dresser.

"This doesn't look badass like you do" Eliza exclaimed as we stood by the door looking at my room completely decorated.

"Why is that? What did you think?" I laughed and glanced at her.

"I don't know. I guess you're full of surprises." She smiled at me and left the room with Brianna.

After a hot shower, I went downstairs where everyone was watching T.V. It was dark outside and I was beginning to get hungry.

"Thank you guys for helping me out. I wouldn't have been able to do this in like a year if it wasn't for you guys." I grinned looking at everyone.

"It's no big deal. We had fun!" said Bellamy, "And now we know where everything is so you can't hide anything from us either" he added. I gave him a confused look which made everyone giggle and throw candy wrappers on the ground.

"We may have snuck it out and ate it." Brianna said playfully, hiding behind Chris.

I burst out laughing looking at their scared faces. "Well, somebody has to show me the supermarket tomorrow morning. I can't move without candy in my system." I said.

With The Bad Boy ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora