Chapter 31 | The Pervy Kid

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The first thing I did when I came home was to wear that God Damn necklace Bellamy me got. The second thing was going through all the pictures we had together for moral support.

I changed into my pajamas so my mom wouldn't know that I wasn't hoke last night. She called me and Brianna for breakfast and I skipped my way downstairs.

"Morning," me and Brianna said at the same time. "Just take these to the dinner table," My mom said as she handed us plates.

Brianna and I shared a look before doing as told. Mom usually prepared a really nice breakfast but today seemed to be more special.

Before either one of us could ask if there was some occasion, mom spoke up. "I've invited Harrison for lunch today. He'll come here with his son, Carl. I think it's time you meet him."

"I have plans today." I mumbled as I chewed on my food. I knew this would happen but I didn't care right now. I had to talk to Bellamy.

"Sweetie, you either stay here today or you're grounded for a week."

My jaw dropped, I thought Brianna took care of everything. "What do you mean grounded for a week?" I rolled my eyes as I slightly imitated her. "I was home by ten. I dropped Natasha off and came straight home." I lied to her.

"I don't think a human can turn into a pile of cushions at night." Brianna miserably stifled a laugh from beside me as mom said that. I kicked her leg and she groaned.

"Fiona turned into an ogre at night," Brianna innocently said.

"Now don't act like the innocent child Brianna." Mom said. This time I laughed at her and earned a hit on my leg.

"Me? I stayed at home." She said.

"So did a certain blonde boy. What was I supposed to say to his parents if he injured himself while climbing down the second floor from the outside of our house?" mom exclaimed.

I laughed at how both of us got busted.

"I think to say this but are you nervous about today?" I asked her.

"I just hate myself for lying to you girls for months. If anything, I'm the worst role model there could be."

Brianna took one of mom's hand and she nudged me to take the other. I sighed and held mom's hand.

"Me and Blake had a little talk and we realized that we were being selfish. The thought of you being with someone seemed absurd at first but we realized that it really isn't. You deserve to be happy too and if you like someone then you have every right to be with them." Brianna said as I nodded to every word.

"So please don't hold back on anything, we're going to support your decisions like you sort of support us." We laughed and mom kissed our hands.

"But this doesn't mean we like Harrison. We're going to critique everything and anything he does and you can't blame us for it." I added.

I was bummed about not being able to meet Bellamy today but I also got time to think my plan through. For a little while that is because I had to help mom out since she was nervous. I rolled my eyes at her when she said she said too afraid to answer the door.

Brianna opened it while mom stood next to her. I was standing a few feet away from them because suddenly reality hit me. I was going to meet the man that ruined our family.

I folded my arms and watched as Harrison and his son, Carl were greeted inside. I gave them a curt nod and showed them the way to the family room.

"You can sit here." I gestured to the couch.

Harrison was tall and slightly chubby. He had a fine amount of gray hair and I didn't understand how mom liked him. Dad was a thousand times better, no actually, you couldn't compare my dad with his guy. Nevertheless, I put on a fake smile.

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