The rest of lunch and gym went by quickly, but I knew Mr. Meyers's class was going to lag on, and not just because it was history.

I sat behind Blake in this class, so I wouldn't have to look at him unless he turned around to look at me, which he might have done... He would have definitely had to look back at me if Mr. Meyers was passing back papers...

At least I was able to fool everyone into thinking that I was actually sick... or on my period.

When Mr. Meyers's class finally ended, I couldn't have been happier. I just had one more period and then I could have gone home without telling Blake that I knew his secret...

"Burk, I need you to stay after class for a few minutes so I can talk to you about something," Mr. Meyers informed me thirty seconds before the bell rang. "Can you do that?"

I could, but that didn't mean that I wanted to. After everything that Mr. Meyers had put me through, I didn't think I wanted to spend any time alone with him at all.

Blake gave me a look, and I waved him away to tell him that he could leave and I would be fine. I didn't think Mr. Meyers would try anything during school hours, even though he didn't have a class next period...

"What do you need?" I asked him once everyone was out of his classroom, and I tried not to act snappy, but I just couldn't control myself.

"I was just wondering if you felt weird around me," Mr. Meyers sighed, and I couldn't help but make a face at him. Was he seriously asking me this question after everything we had gone through?

"Well, you admitted that you liked me," I deadpanned, not even trying to be nice to him at all. I wasn't exactly in the mood for that right then. "I'd be weird around anyone who said they liked me when I didn't like them back. You being a teacher just makes everything worse."

Mr. Meyers sighed, shaking his head as he leaned back in his chair. "I should have expected as much after what I did to you."

"Did you really expect for everything to just go back to normal after you confessed your feelings to a student?" I couldn't help but snap. I honestly didn't want to be mean to him, but I just wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone at that particular moment. "You're lucky Mr. Wilkinson believed you and not me or you'd be out of a job."

Mr. Meyers continued to sit at his desk, and I stood there staring right down at him. We were like that for about a minute, maybe even longer, just staring at each other, neither of us saying a word to each other at all.

"I was just hoping that you wouldn't hate me," he finally admitted.

In all honesty, I didn't hate him. He just always had to talk to me at the worst times. I had serious things that I had to deal with at that moment, but he was trying to talk about our non-existent relationship.

Blake had schizophrenia. All I could really do was just replay that statement in my head. I wasn't supposed to know this important piece of information about him, but I did. And it was eating away at me.

"I don't hate you, Mr. Meyers. I just... don't feel the same way you do," I informed him truthfully, pulling at my backpack strap as I shook my head at him. "I'm sorry, but I have to get back to class now."

I turned away to leave, not wanting to have to speak to him any longer. If I did stay, he probably would have just tried to kiss me again like he had the last two times I had been in this classroom with him alone...

"Is something going on?" he asked me now, and it nearly made me jump out of my skin. Could he really tell so easily that there was something wrong with me? "You don't seem like yourself, even more than usual."

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