CH. 27

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Savanna's POV

 After my interjection to Alpha Horan, he began again with his explanation of the, so far insane, situation. I made sure to keep my mouth shut this time while he spoke, showing him the deserved respect.

"I know you've all heard of Lycans. You know that they're lethal and not to be taken lightly," he started, his tone firm and clear. He glanced around at our four faces, finding confusion in all of them.

He seemed to hesitate his next statement. I furrowed my eyebrows at this, watching as Niall tensed from his seat on the couch, his body reading his father's expression like a book.

"You two might have noticed something odd when you were attacked in the woods," his eyes flickered to Niall and me. "The Lycans that are now emerging have been waiting for their chance to go after the same thing they had wanted hundreds of years ago. To end the werewolf race and rid the world of their only threat....however, all their time waiting has led them to a new tactic. For the past year, they've been targeting every Alpha and Luna who are between the age of fifteen and sixteen, killing them before they have the chance to take their leader positions and procreate with their mates."

So I hadn't been mistaken earlier, when I noticed that those red eyes only held their intensive gaze towards Niall and me when I found myself hiding behind him. I knew Niall had acknowledged this too at some point when he glanced over at me nervously.

"Alpha Locklear and myself have known of this since January, as we were contacted by a group up North. They have created a sort of, safe-house, up where they are. They've been gathering every Alpha, Luna, and even Beta in the Lycan's desired age bracket, defending them effectively while allowing them to go through training and learn how to fulfill their positions to the fullest potential."

"If you've known of this for so long, why didn't you send us there?" Luke suddenly piped up, curiously.

Alpha Horan exchanged glances with my father briefly, the two nodding slightly and agreeing to further explain. 

"We told the head of this operation that you four were dead." 

Niall's father paused, knowing he had stunned us. His son's jaw dropped, as did mine. 

"Why?" I said, astonished and puzzled. My head was spinning as it was, why did this have to become more and more complicated by the minute? 

This time, my father answered me. "We weren't convinced that these people were what they said they were, let alone trusted them to ship you four off to them. We agreed to announce you all deceased, because if they were somehow in cahoots with the Lycans, then they wouldn't come after you. Now, we know that they aren't. While we were down in our territory, we ran into more and more Lycans, as well as rogues..."

"So, does that explain all the intruders we've been having lately?" I inferred, looking up at him.

He nodded his head,"They're running from the Lycan's, who are on a rampage. We knew they had to be close to finding you when we had a blitz attack yesterday night. We fled back for here as soon as that mass was under control."

Suddenly,  Niall was on his feet, his hands balled in tight fists at his side. "Wait just a damn minute. You've known, for almost a whole f*cking year, that these things were looking for Savanna and me, and you never thought once that it'd be smart to tell us?!" he shouted, his face clearly angry. I caught the slight hint of betrayal in his eyes as he narrowed them towards his father.

"Niall, enough. You have to understand, we weren't entirely sure of the situation ourselves until recently. We know now that it'd be a smart decision to have you all head up North as soon as possible. I planned on making a phone call to them as soon as you were in the know." Alpha Horan silenced his son, putting a hand on his chest to encourage him to calm down and sit again.

All of us were quiet, the two Alpha's letting us process their news. A cold chill ran down my spine at the thought of these killers that yearned for both Niall's and my own death. I let my eyes look over to the, now sitting, young Alpha, whose gaze already held me. He watched me with worry on his face, as did the two Betas beside him. 

"It's not safe here, we need to leave regardless as to where we go. I say we head out first thing in the morning," Niall murmured and he looked towards Luke, wanting his Betas input. 

Lukas nodded instantly, his wolf eager to have some sort of instruction from his Alpha. Jess agreed as well, letting her head rest on Luke's chest softly. 

"I think that's a good call on your part, Niall. I'll take Savanna back to the house to pack a bag and I'm sure your father can escort Mr. and Mrs. Roller to their home to do the same," my dad replied, setting a hand on my shoulder. 

Going to stand, I was surprised when Niall did too, urgently. "If, you'd like, I'd be more than up for going with you two, as an extra set of eyes." he offered nervously, biting his lip. 

Before either of us could say anything, Alpha Horan answered his son. "Actually Niall, I need to make that phone call, so you can take Luke and Jess to their house to pack."

"Oh, um, o-of course," Niall said, looking over to the two wolves sitting on the couch. 

An idea popped into my head just then, finding some sort of solution to the uneasiness of our separation. "Why don't we all agree to meet back here by one?" I suggested, after taking a quick glance at the clock hung on the wall above the television screen that now read midnight.

"That's a good idea, that way we'll know to come for help is anyone gets caught up," Jess replied as Luke helped her to stand. 

After establishing this, my father and I left for my house, taking my beaten truck. As my dad drove down the long strips of black top, the endless rows of woods that lined the road made me feel on edge. Inside them lurked murderers, and in the dead of the night, every slight opening in the dense thickets revealed the reflection of eyes. Real or not, I knew they'd haunt any sleep I'd be getting tonight. 

*Wow, lot of information in this chapter...and it's 1 o'clock in the morning right now for me, so I know it's most likely NOT edited right. Sorry about that :/

*So, this refugee camp. What do you guys think about it? Do you think Niall will approve of letting his pack and 'mate' stay there? 

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