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Averys pov
Your a half demon

I could hear the words coming from his mouth but I didnt want to believe it.
"I am not a demon!"

Oh but ace you are,you are the most perfect creation in existence!

I look away from him and at robin he can barely hold himself up. As he gives me a confused look.

Go ahead ask him he read the book he knows what you are who you are!

"Avery who are you talking to?"

Ask him ask him

The voices in my head keep calling out to me a million at a time.

"Did you know?" I turn and look at robin on the floor.

"Avery what am I supposed to know?"

"That im a demon a monster!"

His eyes grew wide and with sadness.

"Avery i never wanted this to happen to you i wanted to help you. I still want to help you! Yes i knew about your powers but I didnt know who you were."

He's lying
Kill him
Make him suffer

"Shut up!" I place my hands on my head and fall to my knees millions of voices speaking at once.

"Avery please believe me."

Robin said with tears in his eyes.

He's crying? But why? He doesn't care

Does he?

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Get rid of him ace he's already lied to you is there anymore reason for him to be here at our little reunion?

Let loose into your instincts and let them take control you will love the adrenaline of a laugh

Laughter fills the room as I slowly stand up and raise my hand to robin slowly raising him off the ground back to the wall.

"Avery please don't do this." He managed to say through gasp of breaths

"Why shouldnt I!?" I yell pushing him to the door.

"I care about you!" He screams and my powers falter letting him fall to the floor.

Dont let him fool you Ace only we care for you your family. Your True family.

"You dont care only my family does and im going to get my family back!"

I raise my hand and open the door with a quick nod and he flys out of the room. I shut the door and lock it so he cant get in.

Cmon ace bring me back its really dreary out of my body. Bring me back.

"How do i do that?"

Trust yourself and let you powers sore free.

I walk to jokers body and place a hand on his head and stomach aMy powers? Lets see what i can do.

I shut my eyes and start to concentrate. Hes still alive but barely so i just need to grab his spirit and pull it back into his body. I can do this i can do this.

Everything in my mind and body goes silent and still my feet slowly raise off the ground as jokers raises off the bed. A strong wind starts blowing as everything is pushed around the room around us.

"Avery! Stop dont bring him back!" Hes still alive and not causing trouble isnt that good enough?!"

No i have ti bring him back i want my family i want him i want my dad.

Yes Ace your doing it!

I am now keep going you can do this. I think of my goal and fell as its being completed. The power surging through my veins up from my feet and out through my finger tips like a warm and tingly feeling.

But that feeling was wearing off. I was slowly placed on the ground. I look at joker and get a sick feeling to my stomach.

Did it not work?

I look down at his face when his eyes pop open.
My hearts skips a beat this is joker my dad! He's alive!! He looks at me and raises his hand to my face.

"My baby girl you did it you brought your old man back im so proud of you." Teats start to fill my eyes as he starts to sit up. I jump and hug him as he tightly hugs me back.

"Oh how i have waited to finally hug you. Watching you grow up from afar was a rather hard joke to laugh at."

I pull back and look at him as he goes to stand up.

"Now come with me." He lends a hand down and tugs me up to stand next to him. When robin bombs down the door.

"Avery dont go with him! He's evil!"

"No hes my father and you wont keep me from him again!" I scream and the world seems to shift as we are at the entrance of the abandoned carnival.

I look at my father hands intertwined when everything goes black.

Jokers pov
Avery teleported us to her snd Harley's new hideout she is absolutely brilliant however she cannot completely control her powers yet.

I look down to the past out girl beside me and pick her up princess style. Her head slightly fell back as i prop it on my shoulder. I cant believe this is Ace my little ace who used to eat gravy every morning for breakfast.

Beautiful just like her mother. Well we better get home and put her to bed even though Harley will probably shit herself that im alive.

Soooo guys sorry ive taken so long as always well ive been at band camo week one then today did 8-5 band then 6:23-10 work im ready to go to sleep like avery please tell me what you think and what you think will happen vote and comment ttyl lil puddins!🤗

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