Momma harley

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Darkeness filled the space around me. The air felt cool as it made my hair whip around me. Then the area started to clear and almost like a spot light an old toy shop filled into my view. I walked to it slowly and opened up the door.

The rusty bell rang as i came in. The look of the shop was dusty and vintage.
I started to walk towards the counter. There was a jester puppet sitting next to the old cash register.  Started to move to pick it up when the dream faded out.

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. I looked over and the girl from yesterday was still asleep. I walked into my closet and grabbed a black skirt black long sleeve off one shoulder shirt and some leggings.

Its not that cold outside but its fairly chilly. My type of temperature. I go into my bathroom and take a shower. When i get out i see Lacen sitting on the couch. She was curled up into a blanket ball watching t.v.

I looked to see what she was watching. I laughed to myself. Durarara. Anime she turned around wide eyed she fell off the couch. "Im so sorry i didnt mean to intrude on your things but when i got up you were gone i didnt know where you went so i was keeping myself busy."

I smiled and sat down next to her. "Its ok, im not mad you do what you want in here your a guest." She looked down at the floor. "Are you ok?" I asked her slowly.

"Yeah im better, thank you for saving me. Theres no telling how many people have just looked and turned the other way. Your the only one who has stepped in and helped me."

"Im not the kind of person to leave things alone like that. I can't imagine being stuck in a situation like that with no help." I sighed as flashes of my old family ran through my mind.

My "mom" ran across my mind. Man i haven't even thought about how worried she must be that I'm gone. I haven't been to worried about it.
I shook thoughts out my head when i heard a stomach rumble.

I looked at the girl. I laughed "are you hungry?"  I asked. She looked away embarrassed "yeah i am..." Well c'mon lets go get some food!" I take her hand and head downstairs.

"Oh im sorry I haven't asked but what is your name?" I asked her.
"My name is Lacen, whats yours?"
"My name is Avery" i turned back to look at her and smile. We sit down at the table and we can smell breakfast cooking.

Then harley came with three plates and drinks balancing all on her arms and head. "Good morning puddin" harley said with a bright smile. Lacen froze in place.

Harley put our plates in front of us and sat down next to me and started eating.
Lacen grabbed my arm and whispered to me. "Do you know harley quinn made us breakfast and is eating right next to you?" She was shaking. She was scared.

"Yes i do know." I said with a small smile. "Why is she here?"
"Oh little puddin have you not told her yet?" Harley asked "told me what?" Lacen was confused.

"Harley is my mom." I said waiting for her to freak out when she just sat silent and ate her food. When we were done harley said she was going to meet ivy and she hugged me bye.

"So when did you find out harley quinn was your mom?" Lacen asked when harley left the house.
"About two months ago"
"Was you upset because i know harley has been in Arkham for a long time till she escaped. Did you have a foster family?"

"Yes i did. But i always knew something was different about me i looked nothing like my mom from the foster home. But then i came here and harley took my back as soon as she seen me. The stuff in my room was already set up for me like she was waiting for me to come back." I said slowly.

"I didnt know harley and joker even had a kid. Was joker ever mean to you?" She asked. "I can't remember all i know is he died before i was 2." I looked down. I am sad i haven't had a chance to meet him.

"That's awful." She touched my shoulder i looked at her with a small smile. "Somethings happen for a reason. That part of me will always be missing from me but from what harley has told me and the pictures she has shown me he really loved me. They both did." I said and i smiled at her

"Well im happy to hear that." She said at that time my phone went off.

"Good morning angel do you wanna meet up with us today?" A text from Vincent i beamed.

"Cafe in an hour?" I answered.
"I shall count the minutes." I must have let it show i was happy because i got a smile from Lacen. "What are you smiling so bright about?"
I laughed "how would you like to meet some friends of mine?"

She sighed "are they boys?"
"Yeah actually but you don't have to think this is a date like thing its just hanging out." I said worried because what her last boyfriend did to her.

"Its okay where ever you go i go" she gave me a weak unsure smile. I took her hand to my room and let her choose clothes. I grabbed some black boots and put needed things in a small black bag and we headed out the door.

Okay yes! Finally got this chapter typed! Tell me what you guys think!!! Love you all byee🤓💜✌🏻️😝🔥💝

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