Girl gone missing

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Batmans p.o.v.
"Teenage girl gone miss-" i turned the tv off in aggravation. How could this happen? I had her hidden from Harley for years. How could she just up and find her. Theres no way.

I have no idea where she could be. I couldn't even prove Harley had her. Whatever actually happened she did it by choice. I have to be very careful in finding her. In fact there are no real records that Avery is even alive. She was kept a secret. And thats how I intend it to stay.

Avery's p.o.v.
Today was good. Me and Harley played games. And talked about all kinds of stuff. She went and laid down eventually. So i went to my room to watch tv.

Flipping through the channels i wasn't satisfied. I stopped on a random channel and flopped on my bed looking at the ceiling. Flashes of my dream was taunting me.

But i couldn't see it all clearly. I remembered darkness. And faint beeping noises. But thats all i could remember. I never actually seen my dad Harley didnt have any pictures.

I grabbed my laptop and googled him. "Joker kills three people"
"Joker robbed a bank"
Then a news report caught my eye.
"Joker dead police and officials couldn't find the body"

Wait didn't Harley say the bats told her he had found the body. A million thoughts ran through my mind.
"Teenage girl gone missing Avery Medford has vanished from her house without trace." I turned the tv off.

I stared at the black screen a while. I can't believe she is actually looking for me. It did take her three days to even see i was missing. I went to my closet and grabbed a pair of black shorts, black butler shirt, and put on makeup like Harley did and took off to the old hospital in gotham. 

When I got there i just looked around. I went to the second floor. I wonder how many floors there was. But when i got to the 4th floor the door was locked.

I rattled the door knob. Note to self bring supplies to pick this. I mean no harm done. This is so old i could probably kick the door in. But I decided against it.

I went back to the first floor to the emergency rooms. The desk was in the center and there was a circle of rooms around it. I went to a room and sat on the bed.

I wonder how many loved ones died here. Thoughts drifted in my mind. I wonder if my dad died here. Thinking back to what Harley said, "bats wouldn't even let me see the body of Mistah J" then the news report saying they never found the body.

If bats wouldn't let her see the body wouldn't that mean he found him? And that the body isn't missing? I let the thought slip away from me while i was thinking about my adopted mom.

Why was she looking for me. She never talked to me really she was always working. I got my phone out and started listening to music. I started to hum then that hum turned into singing and dancing around like an idiot.

I was standing on the desk singing Sandy's part to summer nights in grease. When out of no where i hear
"Umm did i come at a bad time?"

             Robins p.o.v.
The first night in patrol was pointless i looked in every alley i could and didnt find one trace of her. I didnt really know where else to look. Then it hit me. Where was the first place i met her. The old hospital! So thats where I'm headed.

When i got close i pulled in where my bike couldn't be seen and went inside. I walked around on the first floor a while. And made it up to the third. No sign of her. As i was about to leave I heard loud music.  And someone singing.

I followed the sound.  It was coming from the emergency section. When i walked into the main part i saw a girl singing and dancing to a song. I had no idea what it was. She was cute.

"Umm did i come at a bad time?" I asked with a laugh. The girl jumped three feet off the desk and looked at me. Her eyes widened. She looks familiar.

"What are you doing here she asked.
"I could ask you the same thing." I said back. Her hair was snow white hair and blue hair brought out her beautiful bright blue eyes.

I realized I was starting i looked away with a blush. "What song was you singing?" I asked breaking the silence.
"You mean you never heard it!?" She asked in surprise.

"Well that would be why I'm asking you." I said sarcastically.
She rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah its a old movie called grease bird brain.

Wait Avery called me bird brain. But this girl looks totally different. It cant be her. "There could be dangerous people here you may need to leave."
I said cautiously.

"Robin I'm a big girl i can tie my own shoes and everything." Wait! This is Avery! I grabbed her arm.
"Why did you run away Avery?" I forced out. She didnt look at me. She got out of my grip and took of running.

And i chased after her. I wasn't gonna let you get away again. I wanna know why. So maybe i can help you.

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