Will you hurt her?

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Avery's pov
I find myself shrouded in black. I place my hands beside me the ground is hard and cold. Feels like cement floors. I stand up and start to walk. Theres dim lighting. Im walking down a hall with no windows or doors.

I come to a four way hall intersection. Down the right hall it seems familiar i hear humming i know what is down that hall.

Go straight

The voice begins to talk to me.

Come find me

Laughter eroded all around me when i took my first step forward.
What am i looking for? I asked silently but the voice answers.

You will know it when you see it.

"Where are all the lights?" I say to the voice

You were born into the darkness embrace it! Its who you are!

Just then a light came on and a door sat in front of me. My heart beat faster.
Voices from all around me began to whisper "touch it touch it open it open it." I sit to my knees and raise my hand to the door.

I place my hand against the cold metal door and close my eyes. I get swallowed by darkness as my vision slowly fades into a scene I'm sitting at the door but i can see straight through it.

Theres a hospital bed and machines connected to the person in the bed. I can hear the faint beeping they make. Theres no one else in the room. I try to stand up but I'm stuck to the spot.

Then the machines start whaling! They were going off the chain so loud it made my ears bleed. A man came running into the room but his face was shadowed my darkness.

"I didn't do all of this just to have you die!" The man is messing with machines trying to save whoever is in the bed. He does CPR and with every blow to the chest the farther away i get.

I get pushed to the ground and loose my breath. Blackout.

Remember who you are you are the darkness embrace it! Your close to your deciding point. Remember don't forget me.

1 2 3 come find me.

I wake up gasping for air. I look at the tv and realize i fell asleep watching anime. I changed into pajamas and head down stairs to make chocolate milk.

I look at the oven clock and see its 10:30 am. Man did i really sleep that long well i guess its gonna be a lazy day. I went back to my room and flicked my tv on when i got a text from Tim.

"The party is a masked party see you at 8"

Masked party? Well Harley should have a mask for me to use. I cuddle underneath my blankets and let the warmth comfort me.

Deciding point? Don't forget who? I feel like these dreams are always pointing me in a direction im supposed to go. This dream just isn't that clear yet.

I turn the tv on and let my thoughts escape me.

Vincents pov
I sit in my room staring at the person before me. Dressed suit and tie looking at my reflection. Do i really wanna do this? What will Avery do if she ever found out?

"You look nice." Carter said coming into the room. "As do you." I said blankly back as he is in a matching suit as me. "You really going to do this?"

I look down and back at him. "Is it what i want? Not really but it's the only way its you or me I prefer me go through mom and dads bickering then you." I say and Carter gets a sad look.

"I cant believe your doing a great thing for me but you are hurting Avery in the long run." I snap my head from the mirror and give him a questioning look.

"Avery's gonna be at the party bro shes gonna find out and its gonna shatter every ounce of her she has. She really likes you but you cant take enough time out of your schedule to even spend time with her!" Ive never had Carter to ever act like this.

"How is Avery coming to the party i thought the whole party was Avery proof." My stomach twist and turns at the thought of her being hurt because of me.

"You know Tim? Bruce Wayne's adopted son? Shes coming with him."

"Why would she go with him?" Anger and jealousy fill my every breath.

Carter spoke, "maybe because he actually try's to understand her and spend time with her when you always run off. He's always there for when she's upset where have you been Vincent? Oh thats right kissing mom and dads asses like your life depends on it. Now you are going to loose the love if your life over them. Think about it."

Carter gave me a small look then walked out of the room. I looked at the reflection staring back at me is this what i want hell know. But is it something i have to do? As bad i don't want to i will.

Or will I?

Hai guys hope the anticipation hasnt killed you all yet. My sister is gonna have a new baby!! 🍭👶🏻 im sooo excited!! I cant wait to hear all your feed back sorry it took so long and that this is a short chapter but i will update soon i love you little puddins! 🤘🏻🖖🏻👋🏻👍🏻👽😎

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