Chapter XX: Secretly Married

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Chapter XX: Secretly Married

Piper's Pov

"W-what?!" I said and he backed away.

"From the very first place we're already married. The time that i gave you the ring, the whole you was being tied with me. Your body, Your soul, You. All was mine. Call me jerk or selfish, that doesn't change the fact that you're my mate, you're mine. Only mine." He plainly said as his back facing me.

I can feel the tension in the air.
I'm... what.. married? That can't be.

"You L-lied.." I said and he faced me.
"Think of it, Piper. If i kneeled down in front of you and propose, would you accept me and say 'yes'?.. Definitely, No." He said and i can clench my hands in fist.

"You just lied to me, Taehyung! How.. How could you– I already remove that ring!" I almost yelled but i managed to lower down my voice.
"Oh darling.. Really? Then look at your hand.." Taehyung said with a smirk plastered on his face.

I lifted my hand and i gasped as i saw the ring, perfectly placed on my finger.

"I bet your Mom lied to you too." Taehyung said and i look at him. Mom lied to me?

"What do you mean?" I ask him.
"Your Mom already know that we're married. Remember the day that you followed her– i mean, them in a restaurant? The day that your Mom agree on that Arrange Marriage?" He said. Don't tell me...

"Yes, that Arrange Marriage was meant for us. Surprising, right?" Taehyung continue.
"But why are we married... Already? There was no ceremony—"

"I'm not a human, Piper. No need for those Wedding Ceremony plus the fact that I've already marked you." Taehyung cut me off and my eyes started to watered.

I sat on the floor and looked down, my vision become blurry because of my tears.
I can't stop it from falling.
What now?! I'm Secretly Married!

"Why... Why are you doing this to me?" I asked.
"Even if you're going to stop the time, all of these will going to happen. It was written on the future." He said and i bit my lip.
"Taehyung, you forced me into this.." I muttered and a matter of second, he was in front of me, hugging me tightly.

"I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to make you cry.. Just accept me.." He said while caressing my hair.
"Taehyung.. I don't know.." I reply and i hear him sigh.

He carry me in his arms and placed me on my bed, pulling the covers over me.

"I'm going to wait, Piper.. Stop crying. Your Husband is here.." He said in a soft and calm tone.

"Can you sleep here? Beside me?" I ask him and he smile before laying down beside me.

He faced me and planted a kiss on my forehead before wrapping his arms on my waist.

"Sweet dreams my Wife.." He muttered.

I close my eyes and quickly drifted to sleep.
I'm thinking, should i really love this devil?

V's Pov

As Piper fell asleep. I slowly got off her bed and went out of her room. She needs to rest. Aish.. I make her cry again.

"Taehyung, can we speak with you?" Jin hyung said and i sat on the couch.

They all look so serious, maybe because—

"Taehyung, you should tell this to your father." Jin hyung said making me snapped back to reality.
"I'm going to tell him this—"

"Tell him when?! When Zeus already find out that you're mate is a human! A Pure Blooded Human!" Jin hyung said and i looked away.

"Hyung! Piper is my mate! I already marked her!" I said and he groaned in frustration.
"V hyung.. We know that Piper is your mate but she's still a human, you can't change that fact.." Kookie said.

I know. I lied to Piper, again.
I shouldn't let her enter my life but she's my other half!
My mate is a human, it was against our Law. Humans have their territories and boundaries same goes to us but Piper step out from that boundaries and came into us, to me..

But i can't let them touch or hurt my mate. Never.
They need to kill me first.
If i need to take all the risks and face all the struggles just to protect her, i will.
I'm not the Son of Hades for nothing..

"Taehyung, we are not against the both of you but.. it'll be a risk for us.." Suga hyung said and i sigh.

I love Piper. Yes! I admit it!
I love her as much as she love me but there's an invisible wall separating our lives.
So close yet so far, that feels..
Some things were pulling us back, not to able to reach each others hand.

She's a human, I'm a Devil.
It feels like i'm forcing the oil to collide with the water.

"Taehyung, as soon as possible. Hades need to meet Piper especially nowadays that the Soldiers of Skies keep on gathering some info. about you.." Jhope hyung said.

"About me?" I ask him and all of them glare at each other.
"Taetae, we're afraid that if they'll find out that you already found your mate. They'll use Piper against us.." Jiminie said and my eyebrows meet.

"They'll use Piper against you, for you to bring them to your Father. I guess you already know that they are still hunting for him." Rapmon hyung said.
"It's possible that they already know that i found my mate." I speak.

"That Byun Baekhyun, he's here to be a spy for them. Looks like him and Piper really close to each other." Suga said.
"Now, we are facing so many problems. First, the bond between you and Piper. Second, Zeus were hunting  your father, That means, they'll hunt you too since you are his son and Third, all of these craps might lead us to repeat the History." Rapmon hyung said and i can feel the tension raining over us.

"The War. The Great War.." I said and silence wrapped us.

"I'm going to bring Piper for her to meet my Father." I said and all of them nodded.

If the History were going to repeat itself, well i only have two choices.

To Kill or to get Killed.

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