Chapter XVIII: Forbidden Love

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Chapter XVIII: Forbidden Love

Piper's Pov

"Piper, stay away from Baekhyun.." Taehyung said.
"But... why?" I ask him and he sat on my bed.

"Just stay away from that guy. I don't want to see you talking to him. Aish! Just... Just don't go near him!!" He said and i looked at him.

"Why not?"

"Because i said so!!" Taehyung said.

"Possessive." I muttered and he crossed his arms in his chest.
"He's not as good like what you think, Piper.." He said and i rolled my eyes.

"Taehyung, you're nothing in my life so stop acting like—"

"I'm your mate." He firmly said cutting me off.

He stood up with a smirk on his face. This pigeon...
"My Piper, why do you keep on escaping the reality that i'm your mate.." Taehyung said while kissing the crook of my neck sending shivers down on my spine.

I quickly push him away and walk out of my room..
I know that he's following me from behind.

I dive on the sofa and Taehyung sat beside me, maintaining the distance between us.


"I know, i'm handsome and cute—"

"Where's  your parents?" I ask and i saw that he froze from my peripheral vision.

"I guess you already know that my father, Hades was down there. Being the King of his own palace. He's a good and responsible father for me but it was the opposite the way the other Gods and Goddesses look at him.." Taehyung started and i looked at him. No expression can be seen from his face. As always.

"Do you know why my father was there? Underneath this mantle?" Taehyung ask me and i just shook my head.
This is the first time that Taehyung will open up the topic about his family.

"It was all started hundred years ago, when my Father fell in love with a human, which is my Mother.." Taehyung said.

"My father was in the earth that time, disguising as a human until he met my Mother in the Southern part of Greece. The both of them fell in love and boom! They unite and the product is me, but it was a mistake, big mistake especially that my Mother was not my Fathers mate." Taehyung continue and i just stay my mouth close. 

"The time comes in which one of the Soldier of Skies, saw my Parents and witness their Forbidden love. He immediately speak it to Zeus and the Great War started.." Taehyung said and i bit my lip.

"Great War?" I ask and he nodded.
"The War between the Zeus Clans and Hades Clans. As far as i can remember, i was six years old that time. My Parents hide me– We run and hide away from them until they caught us.." Taehyung said as his hands clench in fist.

"Hades quickly send a signal and the Guardians of Hell and Underworld climb up to the earth. It was a War between black and white, Hell and Heaven. It was a bloody encounter. I was just there, watching them to kill each other. I was suppose to be dead right now if my Mother didn't use her body to protect me from those sh*ts." Taehyung said and i can feel the dark aura releasing on him.

"There was a sword aiming on me that time but i didn't move, i didn't even run away. When the sword was only a few meters away from me, Mom hugged me. Using her body as a human shield. She looked at me mumbling soothing words until blood stream out from her mouth dripping down on my clothes.. She landed on my arms while struggling for life.. I don't want to let her go but she already drift away.." Taehyung said and i can feel my eyes watered.

So, his mother died in his arms..

"That was the time i stand up and fight. I don't know what happen next but i just wake up in a large castle. Laying on a king size bed and naked with my wings sprung out.. My father tell me that i was asleep for so many years because of the impact of my sudden change." Taehyung said and my mind slowly absorb all of the words that he said.

"I wake up as a full grown man, not as a six year old boy. Father send me back here to earth to study as i trained myself to be more specific with my powers. I meet Jin hyung and the others when i have my visit. They help me and we became friends afterwards.." Taehyung said.

"And that's how my life sucks.
So if i were you, shut up and trust me. I don't want to repeat the mistake that my parents made." Taehyung said while directly staring at me.

"Taehyung, i'm a human." I spat and he raise his eyebrows.

"So? I don't care! You're my mate!!" He said and i bit my lip.

"But Taehyung.. what if they'll hunt us too?" I said and he cupped my face with his hands.
"It won't happen, Piper.. They hunt my father because he united with a woman which is not his mate!! Our situation is not like them, you are my mate, and no one can take away that fact." Taehyung said with an assuring smile.

"I'm... I'm sorry.." I muttered and hang my head low.
Now i know. I'm so stupid.
"It's okay. At least, you already know the reason why there's a big wall separating our clans.." Taehyung said and i smile.

"But why do i have to stay away from Baekhyun?" I ask him.

"Just stay away from him." He said and i mentally roll my eyes.

"But why—"

"He's my cousin." He answered.

Wait, what?!!

"He's the son of Zeus, my cousin.." Taehyung said before leaving me clueless.

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