Chapter VI: His Mate

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Chapter VI: His Mate

Piper try her best to struggle from V's grip but it was no use.

He is more stronger than her plus the fact he's not an ordinary human of this random world.

V was still gulping the thick blood rushing down on her neck as pleasure come to take over him.
His eyes slowly turn into bloody red and his wings sprung out— quickly wrapping itself in the both of them.

He groan while sucking the blood out as Piper started to become pale and limp.
She was already running for her breathe as tears stream down on her eyes.

"P-please.. S-stop." Piper muttered under her breathe and all of a sudden, V's fangs grew back to its original position as his wings stretched and flapped together before pulling it back.

V look at Piper who was now laying unconscious on the bed. Blood covering her uniform same goes as the bed sheets.

He didn't feel any sparks. They are not electricity anyways..
He didn't feel sympathy towards Piper.
'He's just my food..', V thought. He didn't feel anything.

He quickly wipe off the blood on his mouth and lick his lips.
He feel so powerful. No pain.
The burning sensation in his chest were gone.

"I should thank her.." V muttered and bit his lips until some drops of blood stream out.

He slowly approach Piper, caressing her cheeks down to the mark he gave on her neck.
He smirk at the thought that Piper was now belong to him.
His property.

"No matter what happen, You're mine.." V spat and quickly attached his lips into her.

Kissing her like his newly wed wife. He let some of his blood flows into her, to give her a  pinch of life.

After a few more seconds, V let go and Piper's breathing was now stable.

V quickly clean up the whole clinic in a blink of eye but then, his hyungs and the two maknaes appeared.
He rolled his eyes and put on the extra uniform he bring.

"What are y'all doing here?" He ask as he sat on the chair.
"You told us that you're going to the Library.." Jhope started.
"Ne.. I went there." V said.
"Don't fool us, hyung.. You posses your powers to make your own clone and let him go there." Jungkook said and V smile.

"V.. Don't put yourself in danger! You know that Some of Lucifer's Soldiers were looking for you, for us!! And gosh~ were in the upper mantle of earth!!!" Jin almost yelled but he maintain his voice down.
"Hyung.. Don't worry. Those Soldiers are not as strong and powerful like us!" V fired back.
"Yes.. We know it V but were just reminding you since you already found and mark... your mate. It'll be a risk if ever." Namjoon said as his eyes landed on the Sleeping Piper..

"Aja! The time i saw her, i already knew that she is the girl who saw us, hyung.." Jungkook said and all of them agree.
"She taste so.... Good." V muttered and the six boys gulp.
Stopping themselves from attacking Piper or else, V will open the Jail of Hell for them and let them suffer for eternity.

"She won't remember anything of what have happened when she wake up.." Jimin said.
"Jiminie is right, i deleted that scene in her memories.. It will be complicated if ever." V said.

"So, how will you tell her that she is your mate?" Suga ask and V smirk.
"Yes, She's my mate— oh! No. She's my food.." V said.

"You're insane." Suga muttered.
"No, i'm not. I just want her blood. Not her.." V said and the six guys just let out a big sigh..

"Once i have all of her blood.. I don't need her." V said with a smirk planted on his face.
"Tsk. You're unbelievable, hyung.." Jungkook said and the maknae line giggled.

"That's what my Father said, once i found my mate. Suck her blood out and tadah~ I'm alive and fresh again!" V said.
"Good luck." Jin said and giggled.

Piper moved and she moan as she felt the pain sting on her neck.

She open her eyes, roaming it  around the room until it landed on the seven guys.

"W-where i am?" Piper muttered and sat up murmuring some 'ouch~' when her head hurts.

"Oh! You're awake! Amber told us to watch over you since  Teacher Nam needed her." Namjoon said and Piper just nodded.

When her eyes landed on V.
She stare directly into it and try to remember what happen until her head aches again.
"I think you need to rest more, we're going.." Suga said and leave. The others followed him except for V.

"You can now leave.." Piper said and V smirk.
"Amber said i need to watch over you.." V said and Piper stood up from the bed.

"Fine! I'm going.." Piper said in a brave tone but deep inside. She's scared. Fear slowly to eat her up since she still remember that V was one of the pigeons— guys at the rooftop.

She was about to open the door when the mark on her neck stings moving down on her chest.

She breathe heavily trying to ignore the pain but it wreck her again and she lean her back on the door.

In a blink of eye, V was already standing in front of her.
Cornering her with his hands on each both sides.

"When i say rest. Rest." He whispered and Piper stare at him to death.
"L-let me go!" Piper yelled but V laughed making her eyes watered. It seems like she was dealing with a serial killer.

"I won't hurt you, Piper.." V said as he caress the mark on her neck and Piper's eyes slowly to get tired.

"Just go to sleep.. You need to rest." V said as he carry Piper in a bridal way back to the bed.

"I h-hate you.." She muttered before her eyes close. Drifting into her Dreamlands.

V smiled in a bitter way as he pull up the blankets to cover the half of her body.

"I don't need your love either." He spat in a cold tone while staring into her innocent face.

V summoned a rose and place it on her hands before leaving.
He found his mate.
Or he found his food?

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