Chapter IX: Be Gentle

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Chapter IX: Be Gentle

Piper's Pov

"Mom! I'm going!!" I said as i run downstairs.
"Okay Baby.. Take care!" Mom yelled back and i close the door behind me.

My feet automatically stopped on its track when i saw a sports car parked in front of our house, with a guy leaning against on it. His hands were shoved into his pockets as he look up to me, meeting my gazes.

Taehyung stood up straight and walks towards me. I must admit that he's handsome and a boyfriend type of guy.
His physical features is so damn perfect for a human— oh. I forgot, he's not a human.
But seriously, why do i keep on praising him?

Taehyung grab my wrist and drag me towards his car but i quickly snatched my hand back. God.. I hate him. 😒

"What are you doing?!?" I spat and he lick his lower lip before replying.
"It's pretty obvious, i'm here to fetch my girlfriend.." He said emphasizing the last word. Girlfriend.
"Girlfriend? Since when?" I said and he lean down on me as a playful smirk spread across his face. Augh! Those smirk...

"Since the day i marked you." He whisper softly as his gazes went down on my neck.
"Shut Up, Taehyung.. I didn't agree to be your girlfriend.." I said and he stood up straight.
"Oh, you didn't need to agree darling.. Just be happy that the well-known 'Kim Taehyung' is your boyfriend– oh wrong. Your husband. Isn't that great?! Many girls are drooling over me, you know.." He said and i rolled my eyes. I didn't know he's Jerk one.

"And Piper Natalie Seong, It's so gay to say this but you and me are destined to be together. See that ring in your finger?" Taehyung said and i nodded my head like a kid.

"I have the same as yours." He said as he lifted his hand in which the ring that looks like mine located.
"This ring in my hand was already placed before i turn the age of 15. My father said that whoever my mate is will also have the same ring like this after i marked her as mine.." Taehyung explain.

That's kinda weird but it explain why this ring suddenly appeared on my finger.

"But i can't remove it.." I said and he smile. Wow~ It's my first time to see him smile like that— i mean the genuine smile. Not a playful smirk.
"It's because it was not an ordinary wedding rings! I pour some of my own blood on that to let your soul bind with mine.
I gave that to you without you noticing it, so precious right?" He said and i looked at him.
He's so unbelievable. 

"Did our souls already bind?" I ask and he look above, looking for an answer.
"I don't know. Maybe yes because these past few days it seems like i can feel what you feel.." Taehyung said and i looked at him.

He's face was expressionless.
I can't read him.

"Oh. R-really?" I muttered and he giggled.
"Yes and i can feel that your heartbeat raises its pump every minute right now.." He said and i bit my lip.

I started to walk away but he quickly grab my arm and in a matter of second, i was thrown  inside his car.
"You can't do anything but to deal with me, Piper.." Taehyung said as he hop in and switch on the engine.
"No. As in Never!" I spat and cross my arms.
"If you're not my mate i probably wring your neck until you can't breathe and suck out all of your blood from that damn body!" He said making me gulp down.

"Sorry. But you can't do that.. I'm your mate." I said and he looked at me.
"Ohhh~ So, you are my mate?" He said and i looked away from his gazes.
"Just drive. We are late.." I said.
"You can't just turn around and escape the reality, Piper." Taehyung replied before driving off.

The whole travel was a deafening silent. No one talks and i didn't give a damn to talk with him. He talk like a boss. The way he say that i'm his mate, it looks like he's just buying some meat in the market.

When we finally entered the campus. He parked his car and i quickly got off, leaving him behind.

As i look back, he's still inside his car. I bet he's going to ditch his classes today.

I entered our first class and gladly the Professor was still out there.

"Hey Piper!" Amber greeted me and i just smile at her as she sat on the empty chair across me.
"Did you have your boyfriend?" She speak loud enough for my classmates to hear, together with the other six pigeons on the other side of the room.
"H-huh? No.. I don't... have...  any." I reply but Amber just smirked.
"Ayyiieee~ If you don't have any, then who gave this diamond ring to you! It looks so expensive!!" Amber said as she lifted my hand and inspect the ring on it.

"My mom gave this to me.." I said as i snatched my hand back away from her.
"Okay! If you say so..." Amber sang and i just rolled my eyes.

"Professor Wang is coming!! Transfooooooooooooorm!!!" One of our classmates yelled and all of them quickly go back into their places.

As Professor come inside, the discussion quickly started but Taehyung didn't come.
Did he really ditch the class?
I'm not listening the whole discussion and this is Taehyung's fault.. That pigeon!

"Goodbye Class.." Proffesor Wang spat making me snapped back to reality. Did the class ended?

My mind was preoccupied by Taehyung– ugh. Why did you need to waste your precious time on him?

I grab my bag and walk out of the room. I'm going to find that pigeon.

I check the cafeteria, the rooftop, the garden, i checked almost everything including the trash bins but i couldn't find him.

I face palmed myself when i realized that i didn't went to the parking area where i left him.

Maybe he was sleeping in his car. Tsk. I move my feet towards the parking area and look for him.

I walk towards his car and open the door beside the drivers seat.

"Taehyung—" i was cut off when i notice his red eyes that were already pinned on me.
He was leaning against the drivers seat and sweating hard. His hair was down and wet, covering half of his eyes.

I quickly hop in and look at him. He's scary right now.
He's sucking his own blood from his wrist and i backed away a little.

"T-taehyung.. Why did you f-feeding yourself with your own b-blood.." I said almost whisper as i stare at him.

"I don't want to hurt you." He reply and i bit my lip. I took his wrist away from his mouth and i gasped as i saw the two bites turning into purplish color.

Taehyung lean his head back and shut his eyes close as his breathing become fast.
"I badly n-need to feed. My chest... H-hurts." He said in a weak voice and i gulp down. He's making me feel guilty.

"Y-you can f-feed on me.." I said and he looked at me, his gazes going down on my neck and he gulp down.
"Are you s-sure? I don't want to h-hurt you..." He said and i nodded my head, smiling a bit knowing that he doesn't want to hurt me.

"Yes and b-besides i'm your m-mate.." I spat and he locked the doors. He pushes a button and my seat automatically bend back.

Taehyung crawled above me and started to plant some soft kisses on a particular spot on  my neck.

"T-taehyung?" I said.

"Hmmm?" He replied as i feel his tongue run over my mark.

"Please... B-be gentle." I said.

"Yes. I will.." He said and with that, his sharp fangs dig on my flesh sucking my blood out.

Married to the Modern Hades | K.T.HTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon