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The days of preparing the festival flew by like they never happened. The guilds attending the celebration came early to help with the setup. Once they were finished, the city of Magnolia was covered in fairy lights, balloons, ribbons, many different carnival games, and food stands. The citizens of Magnolia were buzzing with excitement, but no one could compare to me. I was absolutely over the moon about my upcoming date with Amelia. I talked with Erza and Lucy, who helped me prepare or gave me advice. Even Juvia pitched in to give some help. By the night of the carnival, my nerves had toned down a bit.

Before meeting Amelia, the girls pulled me into Evergreen's room and gave me a makeover. Lucy had chosen the outfit, a black knitted tank top, a white skirt with pink floral designs, and black flats. Evergreen and Laki painted my nails a light shade of blue while Levy put light makeup on me. Just some blush and mascara. Juvia was brushing my hair while Mira insisted on it being down for the date. Everyone else had agreed with this idea. Erza rummaged through a jewelry box with Kagura and Milliana. They handed me three golden bands for each wrist. Chelia even brought a nice lapis lazuli necklace for me to wear. I could hardly believe it was me in the mirror when everyone was finished.

Arriving at the carnival, the nerves returned. My hands grew sweaty and I found it slightly hard to breathe. Lucy and Erza gave me one last pep talk before pointing me towards Amelia. She was leaned against one of the wooden poles holding up the decorated entrance sign, a gift from Mermaid Heel. She was wearing a strapless grey shirt, a red flannel wrapped around her waist, black skinny jeans with rips on the knees and black Nikes. Her curly brown hair was in a nice, but simple, updo. Her usual thin-framed glasses were replaced with thick black ones. She also had on golden earrings that matched my bracelets.

"Amelia!" I called nervously. When Amelia looked at me, she got just as nervous as me. The two of us laughed awkwardly with each other. "You look really nice!" I complimented to end the awkwardness. Amelia flushed. "I especially like your earrings," I showed her my bracelets, "we match!"

Amelia laughed. "Yeah! You look nice, too Wendy. Honestly, I'm really glad you didn't put any perfume on. I don't want to make things weird, but I really like your scent. It's like the Summer Breeze." I felt my heartbeat quicken. I was hardly managing to be casual just a few seconds ago, now I couldn't even see myself getting through the date without being stiff with nervousness. "So, want to head in? I know we can't ride any rides, but we can still play some games."

I giggled. "You know they're all rigged, right?"

"Of course I know that still doesn't mean we can't try to win some prizes." Amelia's response only made me laugh louder. She grabbed my hand, sending a tingle through my body. "Come on!" She pulled me through the entrance and my nervousness melted, replaced by happiness.

Amelia and I weren't the only ones having a date at the carnival. Lucy and Juvia seemed to be admiring the aquarium, Lucy's pinky lightly wrapped around Juvia's own. Erza and Kagura were having a pleasant competition at the shooting gallery, but they kept stealing looks at one another. Even Cinder and Mira were having some time together at the teacup ride. Speaking of the teacup ride, while those two talked calmly, spinning casually, Bickslow and Freed zoomed past, Freed screaming at the top his lungs while Bickslow laughed loudly.

The two of us were sitting on a bench, licking ice cream. Suddenly, Amelia said, "Wanna play the Question Game? I ask you a question, then you ask me one. We have to answer honestly, though." Amelia explained the simple rules of the game. I nodded my head. "Cool, I'll go first. What's your favorite color?"

"Blue. Yours?"

"Pink, but like fuschia. Okay, uh, Lamia Scale or Mermaid Heel."

"Agh! I can't choose, but if I had to, I'd have to say Lamia Scale! Chelia is such a good friend of mine."

The game continued on like this until we finished our ice cream. By the end of the game, my hand was comfortably being held my Amelia. The two of us played some games, the majority being rigged ones that we failed horribly at, but we were good at quite a few. Amelia and I combined our strength to get a high score on the mallet game. We decided to share the panda bear we won. Eventually, we came across a ring toss. I thought we should have skipped it, but Amelia insisted. She was actually really good.

I held the stuffed panda bear in my arms as I watched Amelia land every ring she held. When she was finished, the stand runner asked her to choose a prize. She chose a giant, stuffed Captian America Shield. I laughed when she showed it to me, but she was so excited to have it, I couldn't help but smile. We returned to holding hands as we walked down the many rows of games and food.

"I didn't know you liked Superheroes." I finally said. Amelia laughed. "You should have told me while playing the question game! Then you would know how much I love Spiderman!" Amelia's face brightened at my comment. I laughed. "I take it Captian America is your favorite, I mean, there was a stuffed Iron Man plushie right next to the shield."

Amelia laughed. "Yep, I would be fighting for Cap in Civil War, that's for sure. Since you're so into Spiderman, I take it that you would be on Team Iron Man." I nodded my head. Amelia faked a sigh. "So sad we must be separated by our choices. I'd hate to fight you, but I must." I laughed and shoved Amelia away slightly. She laughed with me.

Suddenly, Amelia's laughter was cut short. She stared ahead, eyes wide and filled with tears. I looked at her concerned. "What? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Amelia's lips quivered. She slowly raised her finger to point. I quickly followed. She was pointing at two men. They were bickering with one another in front of cages full of wild animals. Beside those cages were children no older than ten years old. They were dressed in costumes, their eyes covered by masks. They had no expression to their faces. "What about them?"

Then, the men spotted Amelia.

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