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I watched the moon slowly rise from one of the windows at the Guildhall. Cinder was sitting beside me, counting the money we had on us. We agreed that staying at a hotel for the rest of our time at Fairy Tail was impractical, but from what Mira told us, we would have to wait about a week before they had two rooms ready for us. I was sipping on another glass of lemonade when Cinder slammed her hands on the table. "Including the money we received from our job today, we have enough money for two weeks at a hotel, but not enough for food and other needed things."

I sighed, leaning forward to rest my chin, arms, and neck on the table. Next thing I knew, two people were standing in front of me. When I looked up, I saw Natsu and Gray smiling at me. I slowly sat up straight. "Hey, guys, what do you need?"

"You don't have anywhere to stay, right?" Natsu asked. Cinder and I glanced at one another before nodding our heads. "Why don't you stay with us at our apartment? I know we're only strangers, but you're a part of Fairy Tail so it seems right that we give you some shelter. What do you say?"

That's how I ended up in the Dragneel-Fullbuster Apartment. It was surprisingly well decorated and spacious. The floors were wood. The kitchen was large with a big fridge. The living room had two grey couches facing one another, a cushioned chair, and a coffee table. There were three doors. One of the doors had a sign that said "Love Shack" on a wooden sign. When I questioned it, Gray turned red. It was a gift from Lucy. One of the two other doors led to a guest bedroom. There was one king sized bed, a closet, and a bathroom. The last door was a second bathroom.

Cinder and I threw our bags into the guest bedroom, which meant two duffle bags each of us and a backpack each of us. Natsu was in the kitchen cooking when we walked out. Instead of a kitchen table, there were five rounded high chairs at the counter. Gray was sitting in the one closest to Natsu, talking to him with a smile. I sat down next to him. "Hey, how do you like the apartment?"

"It's great! The guest bedroom is nice, too." I said happily. Natsu smiled at me as he set down a plate for me. It was pizza. Homemade pizza. I licked my lips before picking it up. I bit into the pizza and was pleasantly surprised. "This is so good!" I cheered, eating up the pizza. Natsu smiled bashfully while avoiding everyone's gazes. "If wizarding doesn't pay off as much as it does now, you could totally become a chief."

Natsu turned red. "It's just a small hobby, but thanks for the compliment." Happy gave me a look before going back to chewing on his fish pizza. "If you want, you can make the guest room your own for the time you're with us. We weren't really using it, just happened to come with the apartment."

I nodded my head, mouth too full of pizza to respond properly. Cinder was quiet as she ate. After I swallowed, I asked her, "Are you alright? I know you have a natural resting bitch face, but this is a bit too sad to be resting."

Cinder glared at me, but it didn't last long. "I was just thinking of something. You don't have to worry about me." She placed the rest of her pizza on my plate before getting up. "I'm going to take a shower, it's late, so I think I'll turn in as well." Cinder left without any more words.

"What's up with her?" Happy asked. I shrugged my shoulders in response. "Cinder doesn't seem that nice, how do you put up with her anyway?"

"I've spent so long with her. She's like family to me. Yeah, she can be rude and she does sometimes hide things from me, but I couldn't ditch her even if I wanted to. I've grown too close to her for that. I grew up an orphan, no parents, for the longest time, Frost was my Father, but once he left I had no one. Cinder is the only family I really have left to talk about. That's how I put up with her. She's my family."

Later that night, I was lying in the guest bed with Cinder. We faced opposite of one another for a while until she rolled around, pulling me close in a hug. She was so warm but comforting. I loved her scent, like the Hearth back at Frost's cave. "I heard what you said, about me being your family. I'm thankful, Amelia. Truthfully, I was worried. I was scared that you would get attached to Fairy Tail, only for them to be taken away. It's a fear of mine, you being left alone, so I always want to be with you. You're like the little sister I lost so many years ago. Amelia, I love you with all my heart. You are my family, too."

I swallowed the sob trying to come out. Cinder had never sounded so sincere. She really meant what she said. She loved me just as much as I loved her. I wrapped my arms around my body so I was holding Cinder's arms. "I love you, too, Cinder. You're the greatest family I've had in a while."

"I don't know what kind of family we can make with Fairy Tail, but believe that no matter what happens, I'll be with you, every step of the way. Now, sleep. You need the energy for tomorrow, who knows what kind of adventures we will pursue. Goodnight, Amelia."

"Goodnight, Cinder."

You Changed My Life (Wendy Marvell x OC - Read Description)Where stories live. Discover now