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The center of the Circus tent was pitch black. The crowd was silent. In the midst of the darkness, two large pillars of purple fire burst up from the backsides. The crowd gasped then cheered. Three spotlights shined to reveal Cinder, Romeo, and Amelia. Amelia lifted the cane in her hand before pressing it to the ground. The ground beneath the three turned to ice and snow. The cheers from the crowd grew as the wind picked up the snow, twirling it in the air. Wendy flew into the air, Carla holding her while using max speed.

Amelia gave the others a small nod before she raised her free hand. "Ice Dragon Illusion!" She yelled. Many figures of animals appeared in the air, running around on paths of wind created by Wendy. A bunny ran around Amelia's feet before vanishing into glittery snow. The ones in the air were then burst with purple fire. Purple and blue flakes of snow rained on the audience, making little kids laugh and cheer. The spotlights turned off and all the lights in the circus turned on to reveal all of the wizards. The crowd rose to their feet and cheered loudly. Roses and tulips were thrown into the center. Amelia caught a blue tulip. She twirled it between her fingers with a fond smile.

Later that night, Amelia found herself awake when everybody else was asleep. Romeo was curled up on his bed, his blanket scattered everywhere and his pillows hanging off the bed. It was about an hour before Midnight. Amelia sighed before rolling off her bed. She grabbed her grey hoodie and walked out of the hotel room, grabbing the key. When the door closed behind Amelia, the room next door opened up. Wendy walked out, too, wearing a zip-up sweatshirt.

"Amelia, what are you doing up?" Wendy asked. She looked startled, but she calmed down very quickly. "I guess I don't have much room to speak since I'm up as well, but I thought everyone else was asleep." Wendy laughed a bit. She waved her hand to excuse herself.

Amelia also laughed a bit. "You're fine, Wendy. Truth be told I just couldn't get to sleep. I know the hot spring is open for twenty-four hours so I decided to take advantage of that. You wouldn't happen to have the same idea?" The red face Wendy produced was enough to give Amelia her answer. "Perfect. We can get to know one another better now." Amelia smiled at Wendy before walking off. Wendy quickly followed her.

Wendy and Amelia sat in the sat hot spring. They were dressed in towels wrapped around their bodies while sitting across from one another. Amelia held a comfortable position, head thrown back and neck resting on the end of the bath. Wendy, on the other hand, sat with her legs to her chest. She felt slightly embarrassed being alone with Amelia in the hot spring. It made the feeling in her chest come back. Wendy had remembered it well and she couldn't ignore it. She glanced up at Amelia only to notice a long scar on her neck. She decided not to bring it up. Wendy knew that scars held painful, even dangerous, pasts to them.

After a bit of silence, Amelia broke the silence. "I had fun today. I've never performed before, so that was a first time experience for me. You did good, Wendy. Your magic is amazing." Amelia smiled at Wendy after she sat up properly. "Your Dragon was named Gradine, right?"

Wendy nodded her head. She slowly folded her legs. "Yeah, she taught me everything I know about Dragon Slaying Magic, but she taught me so much more. How to read and write. How to make flower crowns. How to heal people in pain. She gave me some much. I'm eternally grateful to her."

"I know what you mean." Amelia smiled to herself. "Frost acted like he didn't love me, but I knew he did. He treated me like his family, his daughter. I was taught how to be the person I am by him. He taught me how to grow, how to learn and love because he did all of those to me. I think of Frost more as my Father than my teacher or just a guardian. Is that how you feel about Grandine?"

Wendy's smile grew. "Yes. That's exactly how I feel. Before Grandine, I was an orphaned girl. She found me and helped me have a family. She led me down a path to a loving family, Fairy Tail. I believe that it is because of her that I have the people I love in my life now."

"That's a very great way to look at it. You're an amazing person, Wendy." Wendy pressed her hand over her heart. It was beating so fast. Faster than it already was. She felt as if it was going to burst into millions of pieces. "I've never really believed in destiny or stuff like that, but if I did, you would be the greatest example." Wendy looked down at the water. Her reflection faced her. Her face was red. She wasn't embarrassed anymore, now she was blushing.

Amelia and Wendy soon dried off then headed back to their rooms. Wendy was about to enter her room when Amelia stopped her. She dug into her pocket and pulled out a blue tulip. Without words, Amelia placed the tulip in Wendy's hair. Wendy was blushing now because of how close Amelia now was. When finished, Amelia backed away. "I thought it'd look nice on you. I was right, you mentioned flower crowns, I think you should wear them more often. Well, goodnight."


'It hurts,' Wendy thought, 'my chest hurts. My heart is beating so fast. What's happening? This is so new, but I think . . . I think I like it. I think I really like it.'

You Changed My Life (Wendy Marvell x OC - Read Description)Where stories live. Discover now