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Wendy led us to a guild hall. It was big and I recognized the emblem instantly. The Fairy Tail Guild. I knew only a little about them. They had a thing for destroying things, they're Fiore's number one guild, some of the members went missing for seven years, and they played a part in the destruction of the Alvarez Empire and Zeref himself. I never really believed in Zeref, since I'm an Atheist and he played a part in religion, but once he showed himself, I started connecting dots. Anyways, when we entered the guild hall, everyone was fighting. In the back was a bar where a bunch of girls talked casually. Wendy moved against the wall, so we did too, and reached the bar.

"You're back!" A girl with blonde hair yelled with a smile. Lucy Heartfilia. I knew her because of the Grand Magic Games. Not to mention she was Jude Heartfilia's daughter. Wendy handed her the box with yellow cake inside. "Aw, thanks, Wendy. You really didn't have to, I was just a little upset by the joke." Lucy set the cake on the bar before hugging Wendy. She noticed Cinder and I. "Who are these two?"

The other people at the bar turned their heads to look at us. Cinder jumped in. "I am Cinder, and this is my friend Amelia. We were leaving the bakery when we inconvenienced Wendy, so we decided to make up for it by giving her our yellow cake and walking her back here. You are Lucy Heartfilia, correct? I was very impressed with your efforts in the Grand Magic Games. You are a strong wizard."

Lucy turned red at the compliment. "Oh, thank you. I thought I didn't do the best, but to here that is such a nice thing. If you know my name, you probably know everyone else." Lucy gestured to the group of girls around her.

This time I spoke up. "Juvia Lockser, Mirajane and Lisanna Strauss, Levy McGarden, Cana Alberona, and Erza Scarlet. Yep, you're all easy to recognize. Fairy Tail has a lot of cool people though, like your Salamander and Black Steal Gajeel. Though I have to admit, I'm more interested in your ice wizard Gray Fullbuster."

Like I had called a trained dog by its name, the three boys I spoke of appeared, two looking very angered and one very impressed. The two angry ones were Natsu Dragneel and Gajeel Redfox. They weren't angry at me but at one another. They were pulling at each other's mouths and hair. The impressed one was Gray Fullbuster. I felt myself getting excited. I always looked up to him for ways to improve my magic.

"Who's this?" Gray asked, bending over to get a good look at me. My smile grew, but my nerves were through the roof. Cinder acted instantly. She pushed Gray's face away from me and straightened him. "Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"Excuse me, but I don't think a grown man such as yourself should be that close to a girl of Amelia's age. She is only fifteen while you are over your eighteen." Cinder said, her hand still on Gray's face. I wanted to tell her to knock it off, but I was still startled by him being so close. I'm not romantically interested in him, don't get me wrong, but he's such an inspiration to me.

Gray backed away from Cinder's hand. Natsu stood by his side, his arm now tightly wrapped around his waist. I almost forgot that they were romantically involved with each other. From what I heard, they had only been together for a year, but they completely dropped their bickering. They even lived together.

I finally held my hand out for Gray to shake. "Amelia Stanford. I'm a really big fan of your magic. I'm an ice wizard, too. Ever since your battle with Rufus Lore from Fairy Tail, I've been really interested in your magic. It's awesome!"

Gray shook my hand with a smile. "Nice to meet you, Amelia. It's nice to know I've impacted someone like you." I smiled, my cheeks slightly pink. Can't believe I started this morning ready to get the hell out of Magnolia. "You said you're an ice mage, what kind of ice magic do you use?"

"Oh, I'm an Ice Dragon Slayer." The entire guild fell silent, staring at me. Gray's grip on my hand fell loose. I pulled my hand out and looked around. "Is that bad?" I asked nervously, scratching the back of my neck.

"That's awesome!" Everyone yelled. "Another Dragon Slayer!"

Natsu and Wendy got really close to me. They were smiling brightly. "What generation are you? If you're first gen, who's your dragon? Do you know any secret art techniques? Do you eat ice to gain power?"

"Uh, First Generation, his name is Frost, I know three, and I eat Ice and Snow to gain power. I'm also impervious to the cold, can't get frostbite, but I have this problem where I sometimes take my clothes off. I try my best to control it, but it's just the way I was trained, that's why I wear layers."

Natsu looked at Gray. "Reminds me of someone," He said. His smirk was loving, but I could hear and see the taunt in his words and face. Gray glared at him. "I'm kidding!" Natsu yelled before wrapping both arms around Gray, kissing his cheek. His glare fell almost immediately.

"What about you?" Natsu asked Cinder. She was sitting in a chair now, arms and legs crossed. "Are you a wizard, too?" Cinder nodded her head. "Cool, what kind of magic do you use?!"

"I am a Second Generation Fire Dragon Slayer. Keep in mind that I am a second generation and contain your surprise. I am not a normal Fire Dragon Slayer, however, while I can eat fire just like you, my fire is naturally purple." Cinder held out her hand and a purple flame appeared. The flame danced around her hand like it had a mind of its own.

"Hey, that reminds me of Romeo!" Natsu yelled before looking around the Guild Hall. "Hey, Romeo! Come check out this girl's magic, it's kind of like yours!" A few seconds later, a smaller boy appeared. He seemed to be about a year younger than me, probably fourteen. "She has purple fire."

"Oh, that's cool! I have colored fire, too. Red, yellow, purple, and blue is my usual ones. I'm working on other colors, though. Like Pink and Green." Romeo stuck his hand out and fire burst. It was slightly pink, but not exactly. The smell was very sweet. I felt myself getting a bit dizzy and lightheaded. When the fire went out, the feeling completely vanished. "The pink fire should send people into a sleeping trance, but so far it just makes them dizzy. The green will paralyze you, but I can't get the color right."

"It's still really impressive, Romeo!' Wendy said happily. She was beside me, her hands held together. I noticed her cheeks were slightly pink. She was cute, something I noticed when we first met. Her hair made me feel nostalgic about Frost and his own blue hair. I really had to keep myself from reaching out to touch Wendy's hair. Kind of embarrassing.

"Thanks, Wendy! So, Cinder, Amelia, are you going to be joining Fairy Tail?" Everyone looked at us. Cinder opened her mouth, but I cut her off almost immediately.


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