Chapter 14: Bringing Magic Back

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Daniyel and the Squadd saved the city, by defeating the Wizards of the Black Circle; making the return of the Earth Fairies more likely. They then celebrated with Bloom, Lyell, and the Specialists by throwing a concert, featuring Musa at the Fruitii Music Bar.

A bright morning at the Squadd's apartment, the Squadd are just waking up as Kajari is on his computer and Musa is talking to him. Daniyel is there too, playing with the pets.

"Do you think shorter hair would make me look older or more mysterious," Musa asks as she strokes her hair as she looks in a small hand mirror.

"Are you kidding? Long flowing hair is where it's at if you ask me," Hajarianna replied.

"Oh really? Well thanks for the news flash," Kajari said.

"Uh, well. That's just my opinion, but no one rocks short hair better than you."

"Well Jason likes short hair and I'm thinking he might like me better with short hair," Musa said.

"Jason Queen, the Record Producer? Why so eager to impress?" asked Hajarianna.

"Yeah, we already know he's crazy about your music. And after all, isn't that what's most important to you?" asked Hajari.

"You're right, Hajari. Jason has appreciated my talent from the start."

They're fairies, but they live like regular kids. I wonder if I'll be able to do that too, Daniyel thought.

Hajari reads Daniyel's thought. I know you're concerned, Dani. Believe me, I understand.

Then, Hajari says out loud. "Don't worry, you'll get use to it."

"Get use to it? I mean-"

"It's totally natural to doubt yourself. It was hard for me too. This fairy stuff and can be scary. So, it's best to take this one day at a time."

"I can't help thinking what my future's going to be like."

"Hey, Dani. What's wrong? Come on, you can talk to us," said Musa.

"Thanks, guys. It's just that I always thought my future would be here in Gardenia, but now I know I have some special powers and that's great but, I also know that these powers might take me far far away from here. Away from the only home I've ever known."

"Dani. Look at what you've been through; you've accomplished so much," Hajari said.

"I know and I didn't think I'd get this far but-"

"No buts. This is your destiny."

"Good morning, boys and girls," said Faragonda as she is on the screen of Kajari's computer.  "Congratulations, I am so pleased with your mission. But, you still have more work to do."

"Convincing people that fairies exist is a lot of work," said Musa.

"I know it's difficult, Musa, but it's not impossible. You all have to stay strong and work together; it's the only way fairies will be able to return to Earth."

"But some people already believe in us, Ms. Faragonda", Hajari said.

"That's wonderful, but you have to make everyone believe."

"We still have a lot to learn about our Believix Powers and the transformation levels," Kajari said.

"I'm sure your discover them slowly, but shortly and use them wisely. You may soon need them for you future missions. As for the White Circle, Hajari, it would be safer to keep it here at Alfea, since Kaneal and his wizards might try to attack you again and try to seize it and this way I can study it and better understand all of it's secrets."

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