Chapter Two, Teaming up with the ruffs in more ways than one

Mulai dari awal

~Kaoru's P.O.V~

butch followed me as we left our group of friends. miyako and boomer was off doing stupid things at fashion club. momoko and brick were leaving school going to do who knows what. "so we friends?", butch asked. i mumbled some thing angrily at him. but what butch did surprised me. butch grabbed my shoulders and lightly pushed me up against the lockers. "what the hell butch", i said angrily. "you didn't answer me i want to know", butch said. our faces was close together. i blushed and tryed to look passed him. "kaoru please", butch said softly. "fine fine friends", i said. butch smiled. butch was actually cute in a bad ass kind of way. i don't fully trust him but his looks are making it hard for me to be mean to him. butch let me go. "now was that so hard?", butch asked. "no", i mumbled. i walked angrily to the soccer field. "so uh i don't think I'm actually going to sign up for the team or any thing", butch said. "then what the hell are you doing here?", i asked. "well i wanted to get to spend some time with you", butch said. i blushed at what he said. "well you cant follow me around like your my dog!", i said. "look i am just trying to get to know you", butch said. "look fido all you need to know about me is i don't like you", i said as i grabbed a soccer ball from the ground. "ouch", butch said as he put his hand on his chest and faked hurt. i rolled my eyes and smiled at him. "look were a team now so you better get used to me", butch said. "damn fido i guess i better get you dog tags so when animal control comes he doesn't take you", i joked. "so you care enough to not let me be taken my animal control?", butch asked as he laughed. "shut it fido", i said as i backed away from him and kicked him the ball. he kicked the ball back to me. we passed it back and fourth. the couch walked up to us and looked at butch then said, "well your a new face". a cute one to, i thought in my head. whoa what did i really just say that!? "yeah I'm just here to help kaoru practice", butch said. "well you have a nice kick i'd like to see what you could do on the field", coach said. "sounds good", butch said. "kaoru go to the net and try to stop his balls", coach said. i couldn't help but laugh at the coach's poor choice of words as i walked to the net and got ready for butch to kick the ball at me. couch lined up 5 balls in front of him. butch kicked a ball. it was going to the top right corner so i jumped and smacked it out of the way. i stopped the next ball before it could go to the net but the third ball was to fast and it went flying passed me into the net. butch kicked the fourth ball but i missed it to. he kicked the fifth one. it went to the top right corner but my hand just missed it so it went into the net. the coach slapped butch's back. "wow you are great!", coach said, "just as good as kaoru because no one can get balls passed kaoru!". i walked up to butch. i do respect him more now that i have seen this side one him. "yeah good job fido", i said. butch smiled at me. "why don't you try to be a goalie?", coach asked butch. butch jogged to the net. the other team mates kicked the five balls back over to me. i kicked the first one and it went right passed butch. the second ball just missed butch's hand. the third ball butch easily smacked it out of the way. i kicked the fourth one as hard as i could but butch hit it away before it could go into the net. i kicked the last ball low but butch kicked it out of the way. "nice job!", coached called to butch as butch jogged over to us. "thanks", butch said. "you can practice here any time you want!", coach said. "thanks", butch said as the coach walked away. "nice moves out there fido", i said. "thanks you had some nice moves to", butch said. i grabbed a ball with my foot and started running while kicking it. butch ran at my side. i kicked the ball to his as he ran. we kicked the ball back and forth easily. "your pretty good", i huffed as i ran. "don't under estimate me", butch said. "oh believe me i wont any more", i said. butch smiled. we reached the end of the field in no time. i looked back at the couch who was furiously yelling at the team for doing things wrong. we walked back to the group. "10 laps now!", couch yelled, "kaoru butch you can go no need for you to be here since you actually did a good job". "thanks", i said as i started walking away. butch followed me as we both walked back to the school. "i need to get my board from my locker", butch said as he ran ahead of me. i walked slowly to the school then to my locker to get my skateboard. after i got my board i walked outside of the front of the school to find butch waiting for me. we walked down the stairs of the school and to the side walk. butch stopped and looked at me. i looked at him. i couldn't take my eyes away from his forest green eyes. "i had fun today", butch said. but before i could say any thing he stole a kiss. his lips crashed into mine. i was going to push him away but for some reason i couldn't. so i kissed him back. our lips danced in sync for a few seconds before butch pulled away and looked at me. i could feel my face turn red as i blushed. i could see that he was blushing to. "don't say a word fido", i said. butch smiled. "want me to walk you home?", butch asked. "nah I'm fine", i said as i set my skateboard down and skated away leaving butch with a smile on his face. did i really just do that!? oh jeez now its going to be weird why didn't i just push him away! and its going to be even weirder since he lives a block away from my apartment building. i skated in silence for a few minutes with out a single thought in my head. i stopped at my dads wrestling practice. my dad was fighting a trainer. "hey dad", i called as i went in and sat down. "hey kaoru", my dad called. after about an hour my dad was done practicing. i got in the ring with my dad. my dad showed me a few moves. i always loved spending time with my dad. even if he does wear his mask all the time. i laughed along with my dad. as another hour passed my dad said, "oh kaoru its hard to believe you will be 18 this year". "i know", i said. "look kaoru you should get home", dad said, "i wont be going home right away so you should go". "alright", i said. i crawled out of the ring and grabbed my board. i walked outside and the sun was already setting. i skated as fast as i could so i could hurry up and get home. i turned onto butch's street. i wonder if butch is already home? whoa hey isn't that momoko's car? as i got closer i noticed the windows was a bit fogged. as i skated closer i could see the two clearly. oh my gosh! there kissing! i could see momoko running her hands through brick's hair as he held her tight. they must have been kissing for along time since the windows are fogged. oh black mail moment. i took out my phone and took a short video of them as i skated passed the car and down the street shaking my head as i chuckled. 

~Miyako's P.O.V~

i waved good bye to our group of friends as boomer and i walked to fashion club. kaoru and butch was going to soccer practice and momoko and brick were leaving school. boomer and i became good friends since he started going to school here. we have talked allot and found out we have common interests. he is very sweet and cute. once we got to the fashion room boomer held open the door for me. "thank you boomer", i said as i walked through. boomer and i went and sat down at a desk next to each other. there is no teacher for this club. the students just come here and draw designs and compare them to each others. i pulled out a few sheets of paper and gave some to boomer. we began drawing. "so what is it like being ruff that's into fashion?", i asked. "brick and butch some times make fun of me for it but its doesn't bother me we all have our talents", boomer said, "my talent is fashion and butch's is sports and brick's is video games". "that pretty much sums us up to", i said, "i like fashion and kaoru likes sports and momoko likes video games". "its weird how similar we are", boomer said. "i know its like we were meant to be friends", i said. "i am glad we are friends even if brick flirts with momoko allot and kaoru argues with butch allot", boomer said. "ahh kaoru always has to fight with some one", i said. boomer smiled. oh his smile was so sweet. "so who is polvi?", i asked. "don't laugh but its my toy stuffed animal its an orange octopus", boomer said. i smiled. "i have one to except its purple and his name is octi", i said. boomer smiled and said, "see we are allot alike". i smiled as i moved my arm and showed him my drawing. boomer smiled and showed me his. "wow yours is great", i said. "so is yours", boomer said. "if i ever become a famous fashion designer i would love to work with you", i said. "same here", boomer said. we talked a little more until our half hour was up. so boomer and i walked to my locker. i was grabbing some books out and putting them in my bag. "let me help you", boomer said as he held my bag for me. "thanks", i said as i put the books in my bag easily. i took my bag back from boomer and put it on my back. i closed my locker door but managed to stumble over my own two feet. boomer caught me before i could fall. i looked up into boomer's eyes. they was as blue as the sea. boomer leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips. i kissed him to. our lips moved in sync. boomer pulled away and smiled at me. i smiled back. "like wow", boomer mumbled. i laughed. "come on boomie we better get going", i said. boomer and i walked quietly to the door. i gasped as i seen kaoru and butch kissing. "oh my gosh!", i said. "wow!", boomer said. kaoru said some thing to butch then skated off. "i cant believe i just seen that", i said. "i know that was crazy i thought they hated each other", boomer said as he held open the door for me.

Blossom and Brick a ppgz and rrbz love storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang