Note of Thanks

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Hey guys,

Obviously I can't name this chapter 'hey guys' again. Do I sound like I fucking care?

(If you think I do, get your IQ checked.)

So I guess I'll have to do what I did in the last book again. And I can't just control paste, so I have to type up another lousy speech.

Goddamn, I hate speeches.

So, anyway, I have to do this, whether I like it or not, so let's go for it. Action.

Thank you, my darling readers, for being there for Orson, and being there for me as well. I get bullied at school for being 'uncapable of producing anything useful', but whenever I think of you, I'd want to smile, that in my life, I have at least done something to please someone (i.e.: you, if you like the story.) Thanks for all the reads, votes and comments. You guys light up my life, and I'd just like you to know, that if you're willing to be there for Orson in his never-ending quest to kill Satan, you would light my heart on fire.

Is it me or does this sound like a love letter all of a sudden?

Gosh, I thought it would be easy to toss off a little speech, but it's hard as fuck!

It's just the same as writing a book, really. I thought it would be easy to tell a simple little story, but it's not as easy as that. Nothing ever is. And that's one of the perks of being a writer.

Anyway, back to the topic. I have to thank you guys for reading. I'm putting in a speech that my 4-year-old cousin wrote for me:


Man, that won't do either. This is senseless. THIS IS SHIT!

(You have to do the speech anyway, Miss Chance.)

I know that! Thank you thank you thank you! Goodnight, everybody!

P.S.:Check out the sequel, A Slayer With Wings!

P.P.S.: Satan, I wrote you a little poem:

Roses are red,
Storm clouds are gray.
I wrote this poem
'Cause I have something to say.

I played with Wattpad,
And created Orson Goldbloom.
He was an angel,
And so evil had to loom.

But good can be truly shown
Only through true evil,
And you were the only one
Whose powers were primeval.

I had no plan.
I had no choice.
And only now I can
Express in your voice.

I've had my crimes,
But my death will loom.
At that time, please don't judge me
Because of Orson Goldbloom.

From a very confused,
Tiffany C.

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