Sixteen and A Half

9 3 0

(Kevin Whitehunter POV)

The monsters all growl back at me. I don't really care. We're here to fight, not throw them a slumber party.

I retrieve my katana from my back, and raise it into the air so that it would catch the light. Once again, white light fills the room, melting away several more Shirams. The light dies away when I lower my blade.

"Guys! We've got this!" I shout.

Goodwin smiles at me, Orson winks, Evangeline grins devilishly and Trixie raises an arm in the air as she battle cries.

This time, we strike with newfound strength, and I slay more monsters than I've ever done in my whole life. Unless you count the aliens I keep trying to blow up on my computer. Every kill I claim, it feels so good, like I'm striking a blow against Satan's ugly face. After half an hour, Orson vanquishes the last Shiram. We're all exhausted, and sit down right where we are.

"Whew," says Orson.

"WE WON! WE WON THE QUEST!" shouts Goodwin excitedly.

"Goodie, darling, you can't win a quest," explains Evangeline patiently, but Goodwin doesn't listen.


I smile. Goodwin is so innocent it's cute.

"We'll head back tomorrow," announces Orson. "Man, three successes! I can't wait to report back to the All-Father! He'll be so fucking pleased with us!"

Evangeline sighs. "Orson, no swearing!"

I decide to break the argument. "Anybody up for a story?"

Whoo. Those five words ARE magic words.

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