Six and a Half

19 2 0

(Trixie Alluni POV)

Alluni this.

Alluni that.

Alluni all of that.

Bitch Alluni.

Fuck Alluni.


Seriously, don't they know that I can hear them when they complain about me?

Don't they know that my kind isn't all dark and gloomy and plain evil?

Don't they know they are the prey?

And despite all that, those weaklings consider themselves smart, and me, Trixie Alluni, the weird, stupid oddball. God, how fucking stupid do they have to be to not realize that?

But I know better. For I know what they don't know.


I sigh. "Yes, Youngspire?"

She hands me her phone. "From Helen, the bitch Teresa Flint was yelling about."

I lift one corner of my lip in a wry smile. Removing my helmet, I speak to Helen.

"Hei, ben dan," Helen's voice purrs. Quick translation: hey, idiot.

I roll my eyes. In training, we've been trained to speak 12 different languages. And Chinese, which Helen is speaking, means 'we need information'.

"Hao ni ge ma de, ni xiang ze muo yang?" (What do you want, you fucker?)

"Ni ting bu chu wo de yu yian ma?" (Can't you understand the language I'm using?)

Orson and his band of idiots stare at me like I'm crazy.

"Xiang yao ziou zhi zie shro, ni xiang ze muo yang, yao bu ran wo gua hao le. Wo mei shi zen wan yo xi." (Say what you want, or I'll hang up. I don't have times for games.)

"Miao shu mu biao yi ba," orders Helen. (Describe Target One.)

"Ta shi ming hei ren, hei fa lu yian, gao da yui liu chi." (Black, with green eyes and curly black hair. Around six feet.)

"Er hao ne?" (Target two?)

"Chang chung fa, chung se de yian…" (Brown hair and eyes)

I babble on, and smile in the direction of Orson and his little crew. They have no idea what or who they're up against.

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