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"What are you thinking?" Nevio's Ghost noticed that Nevio was silent. Usually, the Warlock and the Ghost would have a small chat. Any topic would do for the both of them.

"Remember that feeling before Cayde and I enter the Summoning Pits? I felt a feeling... is like the Traveler's Light are present in there." Nevio speak his mind out. It was bugging him, very much.

"But the Traveler is dormant. Can it do that?" Now his Ghost is questioning him. Nevio wished he could find an answer. Sadly, he doesn't.

"I'm not sure, Ghost." His Ghost went silent. Neither of them were not prepared if (Name) wielded the Traveler's Light without having her own Ghost. Only a Guardian could wield it.

They have second doubts. What if she might have been something important to the Traveler? Does she have the same rank as the Speaker? Is she the Conduit for the Light? So many questions are filling Nevio's head and yet there are no answer to clear them off.

In Cayde's ship, his Ghost was floating next to him. It looked at you before looking back at Cayde. Its mind had dawned upon it.

"You care about her."

Cayde glanced over it. His Ghost had known him well, the moment he became a Guardian and followed him to be a Vanguard. "Yeah, I do."

His Ghost tilted a little bit on its left side. "Can you tell me why?"

"It's kinda... hard to explain."

His Ghost sighed. "Everything is hard to explain. C'mon, Cayde. I know you well and your personality. You can't keep it away from me."

"Fine, fine. If I makes you feel better, I'll tell you why." The warp tunnel was still going on. Cayde leave the pilot as manual than auto pilot.

"Thank you!" Praised his Ghost, to the Light and the Traveler that Cayde has speak up.

He started, "She reminds me of someone. Technically, someone as in some girl in my previous life. Maybe, memories or past. Who knows? Anyways, have you seen someone using knives to take down the Fallen? No, and as for me, I use my trusty gun. What else is that she's really good with it. The whole knives and swords stuff."

"The good part is that she survived without having the help of a Ghost. Sure, she's not a Guardian but hey! She could be a great Guardian. A new class that specialised in swords, daggers! Imagine that! She can have a place with the Vanguard."

"If she were a new class of Guardian," His Ghost politely cut in. "What would the name be?"

"It's up to her. Can I continue? I feel like I'm the only one who's confessing to a Priest."

His Ghost gave him the silent nod.

"(Name) is amazing, not going to boast about that. Her running skill are better than us, Hunters. We got agility but she got to do acts as she run. She never stop at an obstacle and find another way, instead she just scale it."

"What she called it? Her running thingy? Free roamer? Running free? Wait, wait. I got it." He looked at his Ghost. "No need to tell me. It's Free running, am I right?" His Ghost just nod, again to clarify what Cayde had said.

The warp tunnel had reached its end, causing the ships to flow out from it. The planet Earth greeted them with its usual self. The ships continued to fly towards it, breaking through the atmosphere and reached the suitable height to fly across the sky.

They were heading back home, to the Last City. Shiro had learned and the Guardians that were at the Tower was preparing the funeral. They may not know her but they would like someone to be off in peace.

They wouldn't do the Viking way, they prefer to do it right and proper.

Cayde landed his ship at the Tower Hangar, along with Nevio. Amanda stood outside of Cayde's ship as said EXO appeared in front of her, carrying (Name).

"Caydie..." She knew that he had lost a lot of people that were dear to his Spark. She gave him a hand to his shoulder, telling that if he need someone to talk to, she'll be there. Cayde let his optics to dim. She knows what he's telling.

Thank you.

Nevio walked first, he let his Superiors to take the first step but in this scene, he doesn't. He knew that Cayde was following him and he wonders if there is something that had caused Cayde to be silent. As they went to the Tower Plaza, Ikora, Zavala, Shiro and few Guardians were waiting for them.

The Speaker, however, was watching it from the entrance of the Tower North. He felt the Traveler's Light, shifting when you were out with Cayde and Nevio.

Were you connected to the Traveler? He slowly make his way towards your form that Cayde had cradled you within his arms.

"My condolences." He spoke, his voice was gently and caring. He never thought that Cayde would do this. The Speaker and Zavala have seen eye to eye on how Cayde was acting as a Vanguard. He was acting mature, for once in his life.

The Hive didn't win this round. The Traveler win this time. As it watched over the Earth, its Light will never fade for it had other plans.

Cayde step foot into the middle of the Tower Plaza, he noticed that the Hive mark that was on right arm was glowing. The colour was very different.

It wasn't purple or green. It was blue, like how a Ghost bring their Guardian back.

The Ghost of every Guardians that are at the Tower Plaza, suddenly appeared. The Speaker watch his as it flew towards you. Guardians started to let our low murmurs but went silent as they watched with their own eyes.

Their Ghost surrounded you and Cayde. It was like a cloud of fireflies, their Light wasn't bright or dim, it was suitable.

"What is happening?" Cayde look over his shoulder, he wonder if the Speaker would have the answer to his question.

The Speaker was silent. "I do not know. Forgive me."

The blue marking was glowing. Cayde had to turn his head to watch it. He was amazed as he saw the marking, setting off blue ashes towards the sky. The brightly blue ashes gently flew, to the Traveler. As for the marking it had become into ashes and was removing itself from your right arm.

Your figure send out a soft hue of blue glow. Something was happening to you.

The Ghosts continued to emits the Light from the Traveler. They were giving the Light to you.

Cayde's optics scanned your entire body. There was faint sound, coming from you.

His optics widened. Are you?

He simply kneeled down, as he saw the soft hue had started to dim. The Ghosts around him still shined their Light. So he had to do one thing.

He had to be patient for what will happen next when the soft glow dim down. Finishing whatever it was doing.

The soft blue then evaporated into the air.

The faint sound he heard, it wasn't faint anymore.

It was...

A pulse.

Getaway Girl [cayde-6 x reader] (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now