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When they land to the Gobi Desert, Cayde left (Name) to guard their ships while they're off on a hunt. They summon their Sparrows to save more time while their Ghost guide them to the location.

They could see the Hive ship, few of the Acoytle are out and scouting. The Wizards are nowhere to be seen.

"I'm going in." Cayde hopped off from the sand dunes and slide down to fire a few shots at the Acoylte. Nevio use the sniper rifle to check if there's anything coming out from the ship, such as Thralls and Wizards.

Nevio's optics narrowed at the Hive ship. Something is definitely wrong here. He equipped his scout rifle as he make his way down to join Cayde. He entered the ship and Cayde had swept the ship clean. He hear gunshots from the left corner. Quickly, he ran towards the sound.

There were four Wizards, floating and at the same time, fire some attacks to Cayde. Nevio took out his supercharge; Sunsinger and throw a few of the grenades at the Wizards. He managed to destroy two of them. Nevio changed his scout rifle to the machine gun. The other two Wizards died.

"It's too easy." Nevio pointed out. Usually, he face the Hive with caution and he can predict what they will plan next but this one, was simple. Cayde was inspecting the dead corpse of the Wizard, each of them was holding a gem.

A gem that glowed green. He took it and stash it away into his back pocket. "Better tell (Name) that the hunt went well." Cayde asked his Ghost to contact his ship.

"Um, I can't contact the ship." Cayde's Ghost appeared in front of him.

"How can the comms be down?" Nevio's Ghost suddenly appeared and asked Cayde's Ghost. "There were no interference."

Nevio and Cayde shared a grim look. It was a diversion. Both of them burst into a sprint and as they reach outside of the Hive ship, they quickly summoned their Sparrows.

Cayde was in the lead. "I go ahead. You watch my back!" He activated his boosters and left Nevio in the dust. The Warlock rolled his optics and pick up the pace.

When Cayde reached his ship, three Siphon Witches and draining your life force from your body. You were lying on the sand, coughing out black like liquid from your mouth. As the liquid dripped down, it formed a circular ring around you.

"(NAME)!" Cayde shouted. He will not let you die. He activated his Golden Gun and fire three rounds to the Siphon Witches. They let out a shriek as they become brightly lighted ashes that flow away from you.

He saw that you were getting up. He rushes to you and cradle you. His optics scanned your form, your chest heaved up and down as you cough. Cayde's Ghost had take a quick note of the black liquid, it went to the Witches and disappeared into smoke.

"W-water," He heard you. Your voice was dry and it was hoarse.

Nevio managed to make it. He searched his bag for a bottle of water. He knew that one day this bottle was its usefulness. He took out the bottle cap and gently tipped the end of the bottle and let the water to flow out from the bottle. You had to signal Nevio that it was enough so that you could breathe oxygen more.

You thanked Nevio for that. As you sat upright - alongside with Cayde's help - you checked your pulse.

"What happen?" Cayde asked you. He searched your face as you explained the sudden event. Now he is worried about your health, they really need to take this mark out from your arm.

Nevio excused himself, he has the feeling of being watched. He tasked his Ghost to make a quick scan if there are any Fallen nearby.

He called Ikora to tell her everything had happen and their situation. He has noticed that Cayde's personality changed for a small bit.

Was that emotion called? He don't remember whats it call but it was making Cayde to do weird things for you.

• • ✿ • •

Nevio returned after securing the perimeter. He had taken a few Dreggs and Shanks that was scouting the area. You were asleep as Cayde brought you to his makeshift bed that was on his ship.

"Her arm..." Cayde's Ghost had taken noticed that the marking had grow. He did a scanned and send it to Eris. To see if she knows about it.

Nevio spoke from his comms, "How is she?" Cayde's Ghost told him what happened.


How could they not see it? The Hive almost got her. She was so close to be taken.

Cayde glanced at his cards, they were neatly arranged. The last card caught his optics, the Queen of Hearts. The card represents the girl he like but he didn't have the chance to tell her how he felt.

He then glanced at you, sleeping soundly and he wondered, if he was late, if he wasn't there to be in time to rescue you. He saw you tried to take your knives out but the Siphon Witches did something to your arms, causing you to drop them.

What if-

His comms pick up the call. It was Eris. He channeled it to Nevio's ship so that both of them could discuss about it.

"The marking, its growing and its slowly draining herself away. The Siphon Witches you told me, they weren't taking her life away. They were transporting her to the Brood Mother." Eris told them the grave news. It was far from being a good news.

"I shot them down, they won't take her." Cayde crossed his arms. He wasn't happy about what Eris said.

"They have countless of Siphon Witches. Searching for her."

Nevio piped up. "If the Brood Mother wants her so badly, why sent her lackies than herself?"

"The Brood Mother doesn't reveal herself. She's somewhere on the Moon. Deeper and closer to the Moon's core."

"So, what? Send her down there without having an oxygen tank and let her life drain away? Is that it? Send (Name) there? To her death?!" Cayde exclaimed. This plan was a suicide and (Name) will not be able to be resurrected. She doesn't have a Ghost.

She's not even a Guardian.

Nevio and Eris went silent in the comms. They silently agreed on what Cayde was saying. They really don't want to loose an innocent life, yet a friend. To Eris, (Name) may be an acquaintance but she can call her as a friend.

"If I may say my mind out, sending her there might lure the Brood Mother out. It may cost her life but if we keep her away from the Moon, she will die. The marking are draining her life away." Ikora had joined in and spoke.

"If you see it from my point, (Name) will not have a chance to live. Eventually, her time will end."

Cayde let out a long sigh. "Is there no other way?" He had to shut his optics, he need to think about how to send her in.

Into the mouth of the Hive.

"I'm sorry, but no." Ikora couldn't think of a way out. Both ways are dead end for (Name).

"Eris, what's the point of the shiny gems?" Cayde almost forget about them. He took the four gems out and let Eris to have a look.

"Are they glowing? Are they green?" She asked Cayde who nod his head to reply her questions.

"Those gems served as an important role to call the Brood Mother out. The Wizards use it if they need some kind of aid to do their ritual." She explained their usage.

"Do we have to go to the Moon?" Cayde's Ghost peered from his shoulder. Everyone really don't want to go there but they had no choice.

Either let (Name) suffer from the mark or bring her to the Brood Mother to end her life.

See? No choice at all.

Getaway Girl [cayde-6 x reader] (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now