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"Thank you, Variks." You thanked him in their language. Cayde had learnt that the Hive are on Earth and the coordinates was somewhere in Mongolia.

Nevio told him, rather than Eris herself.

As they walked away, the royal doors were open. You were expecting the Queen but instead, it was someone other than her Grace. You leaned next to Cayde, "Who's that?"

"Uldren Sov, brother to the Queen." Cayde whispered, so that he won't attract unwanted attention.


Uldren was speaking to the Guards, checking in on if there's anything interesting other than something that washes out to the Reef. He passed by a few Guardians and he was walking towards Petra.

He glanced over to Variks to see what's he doing and his eyes landed onto you. He quickly changed his course.

"And who is this beauty?" He greeted you with a smile, arms placed behind to be formal.

"I'm (Name)," You were unsure to react to him so you held your hand out. Uldren gently held it and placed a slow kiss to your knuckles.

"A beautiful name for a beauty." He smirked. He let your hand go to properly introduce himself. "I am Uldren Sov, nice to meet you."

"Likewise." Your mind went blank on how to escape from this guy. But your mouth has its own plan.

"Anyways, I have to go, uh, see ya. I guess?" You threw away on being all formal and polite. You prompted on being casual and simple since its the only thing your mouth could say.

Uldren understood that you are in hurry. "My apologies, I must not kept a lady waiting from her duties."

"Thank you." He excused himself and continued his track to meet Petra.

"That was weird." Nevio pointed out, he witnessed the whole thing.

You agreed. "I know right? Anyways, where to next?"

"To kill some Wizards." Cayde said, judging by the tone of his voice, he was excited that he's back on the field.

• • ✿ • •

Once again, you were back onto Cayde's ship. This time, you had time to buy some snacks from the Reef. Cayde helped you on what to buy and what not to buy. It went from buying snacks to knives.

You were feeling better, a little bit. The headache was gone but you have to be ready for the second wave of it.

"Do we have a plan on how to kill the Wizards of the Hive?" You were leaning next to Cayde's seat as he manoeuvre his ship to the asteroid belt and the old ships before heading into a warp drive.

"I'm wondering about that as well." Nevio speak from the comms.

"Relax, I have a plan." Once they were out, Cayde activated his warp drive. Nevio followed his lead and both ships are in the warp drive.

"I'm guessing that I have to stay behind while you guys go all guns blazing." You said, in awe of the colours that the warp drive tunnel was filled in.

"Obviously, since you're the number one most popular in the Hive mind." The ships had reached the end of the tunnel and Earth greeted them. Both pilots went into the atmosphere and flew to Mongolia. The Ghosts quickly scanned the area for any Hive activities.

Getaway Girl [cayde-6 x reader] (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now