Chapter 4

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Maurice's day did not go well.

He had arrived home just before dawn. Just in time to get very little sleep. Then, he had overslept and missed breakfast, something that had never happened before.

He even had to be awakened by a very concerned Cornelia, who had been alerted by the little ones that Maurice was not there to start his usual classes.

Usually, it was his youngest students who suffered from distractions and problems paying attention. Not today, though. Eventually, pleading exhaustion, Maurice had called one of the bright young females, Koba's daughter Mary, and had her take over the class for him.

Mary was elated that he trusted her so much with such responsibility. But the old Orangutan could not completely appreciate her enthusiasm. He went back to his home and slept some more.

After the evening meal, Caesar took Maurice aside for a private talk.

'Old friend, are you sick?" Caesar asked, concern written plain in his face and his body language.

Inwardly, Maurice winced. Only one day in to his little venture and he was already, what was a good human phrase, blowing it. He would have to do much better than that in the immediate future.

"I'm fine Caesar, really," Maurice protested. "I just didn't sleep well last night."

"Bad memories?" Caesar asked. Maurice had never seemed to be tormented by bad memories from his life with the humans, not like so many other Apes.

"Some," was all Maurice said. "Don't worry about me, Caesar. I'm fine."

Maurice watched his Leader, his Savior, his friend for a long time. That was not entirely a lie, was it?

"You never talk about your circus life," Caesar said.

"And you almost never talk about your human family life," Maurice countered.

He was relieved to see his Leader grin.

"True," Caesar replied.

""I just figure that no one here would understand. And I do talk about my human family, with Cornelia. She understands."

Caesar's wife also came from a loving human family before she wound up in the awful Ape Sanctuary then at Gen-sys.

"Cornelia is a strong and kind female," Maurice was genuinely fond, as was everyone, of Caesar's beautiful wife.

Maurice cooed fondly as he saw his Leader's whole being soften when the talked about Cornelia.

"Alright, but just in case. I am going to try a piece of that new food you brought back with you tonight." Caesar's mind was made up.

Oh no, now he also thinks the food is poisoned! What have I gotten myself in to, Maurice fretted. By trying to help this poor female, am I really just putting her in more danger than ever?

As the Apes all retired for the evening, Maurice sat and waited. He was wide awake now.

He would be going out to check on her again tonight.


Karin slept most of the day. Unfortunately, she slept curled up underneath her own bed. Crawling out from that position was painful. Her joints popped and cracked, and she groaned out loud as she bumped her head once again.

She swore as the blood ran in to her eyes. Sitting up straighter, she managed to drink a little water before the nausea threatened the little she had swallowed.

With an effort, she managed not to throw up the water. Hauling herself up, she lay back on her bed, still swearing at herself. She had not been this clumsy since she was a teenager, and that was literally a lifetime ago.

Closing her eyes tight, Karin slept a bit more, and when she awoke, it was now truly dark. At least her headache had subsided a little bit. Now it was only excruciating, not blinding.

Sitting up very slowly, Karin got out of her bed. She stood still for a moment to see how badly the ground moved beneath her. It was only a very mild wave. Leaning heavily on her walls, she staggered out of her bedroom in to the living room beyond, then to her small kitchen. She had just started to munch on some dried meat and fruit when there was a tap on her door.

The woman froze in mid-chew. Someone or something wanted in to her house?

The Apes! They've come for me!

Taking another sharp knife from her kitchen, Karin started for the door. One of her crazy paranoid survivalist Father's favorite sayings echoed in her head. "If you can't put 'em away, then you go down fighting, baby girl. You make 'em remember you forever!"

She hushed the old man's voice in her head. It had been bad enough having to listen to his ravings while he was alive.

Least you'll get to see Lisa again soon, Karin tried to comfort herself. But even the thought that she would soon be reunited with her long dead little girl was very little comfort.

She held the knife over her head. Reaching her front door, Karin grasped the handle and ripped it open, ready to strike.

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