Chapter 15

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"Karin," Maurice muttered drowsily.

Feeling motion next to him, Maurice opened one eye, and sighed with disappointment. Instead of seeing Karin seated next to him, he looked in to the kind old face of Percy. Maurice felt safe in thinking that way because Percy was one of the very few orangutans in the village whose very age made Maurice feel positively young, just by comparison.

Percy tutted under his breath.

"Disgraceful, disgraceful," he signed sadly. "Under a fallen tree," Percy signed disparagingly with a heavy sigh. "Really, Maurice, getting trapped under a tree! You are bringing down the intelligence curve for all orangutans in this village, you know."

" Intelligence curve?" Maurice asked.

Percy shrugged.

"I don't really know what that means, it's just something I heard humans say, and it sounds grave enough. I assume it means you have embarrassed us all and/or are making us all look stupid."

"Oh," Maurice signed sheepishly.

Then, Percy began to rumble deep in his chest, deep rumbling chuckles, and grinned.

"I'm only teasing you, boy, well a little," the older orangutan huffed out his laughter. "Though even most of our smallest children, especially orangutans, know not to go tree climbing in the dark, don't they."

"It was not totally dark. I had a very bright flashlight," Maurice signed indignantly.

"You must have broken it then, or your female needs to teach you to use it better," was Percy's chortling response. "Where is she, by the way. I did not just come to see you. I had hoped to meet your female, who is brave enough to tear through the forest alone and throw herself in to gorilla guard arms in the middle of the night to save an ape."

Maurice gave Percy a questioning look.

"Well, that is the story the gorillas are telling all over the place," the other orangutan informed him. "They are totally impressed with your female, Maurice."

"Karin is not my female, and she is out with Mary touring my home, I hope, Maurice sighed.

Who knew what those two were actually doing?

Still snorting just, a bit with laughter, Percy patted Maurice's hand.

"Don't worry, she has no better guide or translator. Mary somehow knows human words none of the rest of us know."

"It is not Mary that concerns me," Maurice signed worriedly.

"Many of the gorillas, especially the younger males, are singing her praises left and right. The stories are rapidly spreading through the rest of the apes as well. She did save your life by risking her own, she has already apparently aided Sparrow in devising some new bandages, and she is also here with Caesar's blessing and direct invitation, and apparently is under Cornelia's direct protection as well. Under those circumstances, and with all that going for her, no ape would dare harm her, certainly not while she is in the village, Maurice."

"I wish I were as certain," Maurice fretted.

"He has probably already taken care of it, with no shortage of volunteers I am sure, but I'll speak with Luca, make sure he has someone watching out for her at all times," Percy offered.

Maurice gave his old friend a grateful smile.

"You are right, Luca probably already has seen to that, but thank you, Percy."

The older orangutan slowly got to his feet.

"Well, if I can't catch her here, maybe I can catch her out there. If that fails, ask Mary to bring her by my home. Phoebe wants to meet her as well."

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