Vengeance the Antidote

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Doctor POV
Nurse: doctor we're losing him
Me: we've tried every anti venom possible. How is he still failing
My thoughts: ow....hold up, why can't I move....alright think about what happened within the last 24 hours....I ate, Yang was taken, saved her, fought Tyrian...........that bastard poisoned me. Alright let's not freak out.....SOME ONE FUCKIG HELP ME, control yourself dick head.....wait a minute, I can't die like this, I have to kill the white fang and anyone who gets in my way.
I got an image of Yang with Tyrian....Victoria being brainwashed by Adam. I couldn't let them live, I had to fight. I could hear faint voices
????: it's oozing out
?????: how? We barely touched him this time
My thoughts: well, people are trying to kill me.....not if I stop them......I WILL SLAUGHTER THEM LIKE PIGS
Doctor POV
Me: his's no longer purple, he's back
Nurse: doctor his heart beat is spiking
I woke up and grabbed whoever was closest to me by the neck
Nurse: you are in the emergency room
Me: oh.....sorry doc
I released the doctor who was then trying to catch his breathe
Doctor: it's fine, you had poison in your bloodstream, turned it purple, then before you tried killing me, it was oozing and became red again
Me: nice to know
Doctor: oh someone is here to see you
Yang walked in
Me: hey long was I out
Yang: two days.
Me: TWO DAYS, that means the dance is....tomorrow
Yang: correct, and I wanted to ask you something
Me: and that is
Yang: want to go to the dance with me
Me: Dammit
Yang: what
Me: I wanted to ask you, then shit happened
Yang: go ahead, ask me
Me: Yang, will you go with me to the dance
She then ran towards the table and tackled me on to the floor, we both started kissing.
Blake walked in
Blake: hey guys, I wanted to.........I'm gonna leave now
Yang: wait, Y/N should meet your boyfriend
Blake: he hasn't come back from the Cosmos yet (someone tell me they get the reference)
Me: I'm gonna pretend I know what the cosmos are
Yang: come on Y/N, let's get you a tuxedo
Me: a tux?
Blake POV
Yang was practically dragging Y/N through the door, I don't know how those two got so close, I'll have to ask Yang her secret
Ruby: Blake have you seen Yang
Me: she went Tux shopping with Y/N
Ruby: thank you, I have to tell her something
Me: what is it
Me: really, what's he like
Ruby: well he can transform like your boyfriend, but he bites his hand to do it
Blake: isn't that something
Yang took me to the tux shop, only problem is that i was so broad that the tuxedos wouldn't fit, we found one.....problem is, it's blue. I may not know attire well, but Tuxedos are supposed to be Black.
Yang: I like it
Me: I figured

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