White Fang Ambush

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Yang POV
Y/N: you okay Blondie
Me: why did you walk out
Y/N: eh
Me: is that really all you have to say
Y/N: what do you mean
Me: you broke Cardin's wrist
Y/N: if I get expelled, It would've been worth it
Me: come with me for a bit, I'll take you somewhere nice....my treat
Y/N: as long as we don't go to some rich place, my stomach couldn't handle it, I don't understand how Weiss and her Half brother could eat so much of it
Me: I can't eat that either
??????? POV
Me: sir we have found the last survivor of okahoke village
Roman: good....take him down
Me: sir....he has a lady with him, should we take her out to
Roman: leave no witnesses
Me: yes sir.....alright men listen, what we have here is one of the most dangerous men on the planet, take no prisoners and kill, got that
50 men: Sir yes Sir
Me: hold on
Yang: what is it Y/N
Me: i feel like....we're being watching
Me: who are you
?????: how can I be so rude, my name is Victoria
Me: what
Victoria: you seem shocked did I miss something
Yang: Y/N, who is this girl, she's all teenage stereotype
Me: Yang....go back to Beacon and tell Blake that I'm coming for her when I'm done here
Yang: Y/N....
Victoria: wow angry much aren't we, why don't we fix that and end the Blonde
Me: you will not lay one finger on her....Vic, please tell me you remember me
Victoria: I don't remember you, the white fang has been with me since my village burned, they took care of me
A tear roles down my face when I realized that sweet girl is now another pawn of the White Fang
Yang POV
I ran into the dorm panting
Me: Guys.....Y/N, in trouble
Weiss: we need to go and help
Me: Blake you can't come
Blake: why
Me: he said he was coming for you when he was finished, it had something to do with this girl
Blake: what was her name
Me: Victoria or something like that
Blake's face went from anger to misbelief
Blake: we all must help him
Ruby: can we go...I want to hit things
Me: fine let's get going
I was mowing down the scum of White Fang, one after another, the bodies were piling up, I finally looked at Victoria, I couldn't bring myself to put her down. She has always been life at the village, everyone was so happy to see that smile when she woke up in the morning, now the White Fang have clouded her judgement
Me: Vic please, I want to help you
Victoria: I don't know why you keep calling me that, I haven't been called that since the village
Victoria: I don't remember you
Me: please Vic
Me: y'know Blake this is the moment I should turn you into a kebab
Victoria: hi Blake, long time no see
Blake: oh god it is you, what did Adam do to you
Victoria: he raised me after you left
Weiss: Left?
Me: she will explain it later or I will gut her, wouldn't surprise me to keep a life of crime behind you
Ruby: Y/N is right, let's focus on defeat- OH MY GOD I LOVE YOUR WEAPON
Ruby: sorry
Weiss went in for the first attack and I immediately knocked the rapier out of her hand
Weiss: Y/N what the fuck
Me: you don't understand....I need to do this myself, fall back or I will personally make you
Ruby, Weiss and Blake all took a few steps back besides Yang
Yang: I don't know what's happening in your head, but I trust you'll do the right thing
Me: we'll see
I looked up to see and she has vanished

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