Sit Down with Blake

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It's been weeks since anything exciting happened, good news is a dance is happening in the coming days, I know who I'm going to ask. She has been busy though so I don't know if she will say yes. All I know is Blake is becoming a problem, my issue is that I can't kill it, she can't sleep and she keeps me up all night. Why it keeps me up I'll never know, I know Yang is worried about her, is that the reason? I don't know
Yang: hey Blake
They only speak small words because that's all Blake would allow, she actually got up and left during the conversation.
Yang: Y/N
Me: hey Yang
Yang: can you do me a favor
Me: Jesus does this author have anything better for us to do than to do a job for someone
Yang: what
Me: nothing, what is it that you need
Yang: I want you to talk to Blake
Me: no
Yang: please
Me: give me one good reason
She grabbed me by my collar and gave a small kiss
Yang: help her and you get more
I left the building and called out to Blake when I finally found her
Blake: oh... hi Y/N
Me: don't pull that depression shit with me, come on
I grabbed her wrist, dragging her into town.
Blake: what the fuck Y/N
Me: sit down and order a fish or something
Blake: what is this all about?
Me: I'm on a mission from God
(Shoutout to whoever can guess the movie)
A waitress walked up, she had a black hair, one eye covered by it, and she had a very pretty voice
Waitress: hi, my name is Alice I'm here to take your order, can I start you two off with any drinks
Blake: water
Me: Rum and a coke
Waitress: coming right up
Waitress POV
Me: Mercury, I found the guy you were talking about
Mercury: Cinder, make sure it's him, if he orders a rum and a coke we know it's him
Me: it's him, he just ordered that
Mercury: oh......we'll be there in a bit
Me: hurry up
I put my scroll away and brought the drinks out.
Me: one water and one rum and a coke
Blake POV
I am getting very uncomfortable, Y/N would never take me out like this, what does he want from me
Waitress: what can I get for you two to eat
Me: Snapper
Y/N: BullShark steak
Me: ok Y/N what do you want
Y/N: what's on your mind
Me: what?
Y/N: something is bugging you, and I'm here to see what it is
Me: Yang sent you?
Y/N: yes she did
Me: bye Y/N
Y/N: wait, here me out
I sat back down, let's see how I can have my day ruined anymore
Waitress: here's your snapper, and here's the bull shark steak
Me: thank you
Y/N: thank you mam
Me: ok Y/N, start talking
Y/N: alright, tell me, why are you more antisocial than usual
Me: you want to know the truth
Y/N: yeah that's why I'm here
Me: I am this close *squeezes fingers together* to figuring out all of these White Fang attacks
Y/N: that's it
Me: what do you mean that's it
Y/N: you have been awake for weeks, just because your still worried about the White Fang, little extreme even for you
Me: what do you want
Y/N: hang out with your friends, get some sleep and drop this entire thing
Me: and why is that
Y/N: because I'm searching for the White Fang too, my idea is a revenge tactic, you are just trying to....I don't even know, just get some sleep, do it for your friends, the people you care about.
Me: you know what....fine
Y/N: glad to here, now, I suggest we eat, because I'm starving
Me: good idea

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