Y/N vs Mercury and Emerald

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Shoutout to @--MADOA--
Blake and I got up from the table, left a nice tip for the waitress and started walking down the street. Blake seemed more lively, first time I saw a smile since I came here. That was short lived when I felt someone's presence.
Me: Blake....I want you to run to Beacon and don't look back
Blake: what's happening
Me: something is about to go down, hurry now, tell Yang I'll be back
Blake: ok, and Y/N....be careful
Me: you as well
I turned around to see a guy jump up at me and nail me in the face.
????: The Dark Swordsman
Me: guy with.....shit I don't have an insult
?????: we were sent to kindly ask that you stop meddling with the affairs of the white fang
Me: what's with the green hair
?????: Mercury....let's kick his ass
The one known as Mercury launched himself at me, I couldn't block in time. I was kicked in the gut, pushing me back a few feet. Then that girl came running at me and immediately disappeared
Me: either she is life that Neo Politan or she can make illusions.....I'm going with illusions
?????: it's Emerald
Me: did I say that out loud
Emerald: yes
Me: ok
I ran towards her, nearly hitting her, she dodged and kicked me in the back of the head. They are nothing like the white fang, the white fang were always very predictable to me, these two, I have no idea who sent them, their weakness or strengths. My best option is to push through, make sure I don't get taken down.
Mercury: Emerald, we can't kill him remember, we made a deal
Emerald: I still want to kick him around
My thoughts: NOWS MY CHANCE
While they were distracted, I charged Mercury putting my sword through his chest and putting it into the ground.
Mercury: H-h-how
Me: like you said dick head, in the Dark Swordsman.
I pulled my sword out of him, it was just me and Emerald. She had fear in her eyes, she was still shocked by how I killed her friend. She charged at me using everything she had. Her illusions were getting to me. I swing and something disappears.
????: ENOUGH
Emerald and I looked up to see a shadowy figure. The figure jumped down to reveal Victoria
Me: did you finally come to your fucking senses.
Victoria: Emerald... I'm here to help you bring this animal in
Me: nope, didn't come to her senses... figured my life couldn't go easy.
Yang *distance*: Y/N!!!!
Emerald: I believe we found a weak point Victoria
Victoria: indeed we have Emerald, you get the blonde, I'll deal with this Dark Swordsman
Me: Vic I don't want to hurt you.
Yang POV
I saw Y/N up ahead and a green haired girl running at me. She disappeared and reappeared to punch me in the face.
Me: what the hell
?????: nothing personal, but we need the Dark Swordsman
She came up behind me and sprayed a gas in my face. After that, everything went dark
I look over to see Yang, unconscious on the ground, and Emerald. Before I could run over to her, Vic tackled me to the ground
Victoria: any last words.
Me: nope, just an action
I picked her up and threw her into a cart, lightly so it wouldn't hurt her. When I looked over to where Yang was, she was gone. Victoria was also gone, I was alone.
Me: ok this is the last fucking straw, first My village, then Vic, now Yang......they want Hell, I'm going to give them Hell....
Me: oh jeez....how am I going to tell Ruby
Ruby: where's Yang
Me: taken by some green haired bitch and Vic
Ruby: what
Me: Ruby....I'm going to get her back, one way or another.
Ruby: not without me
Me: I know you are worried but
She looked as if she was about to cry.
Me: fine....I suppose you two want to come along as well
WB: of course
Me: alright, Blake, do you have a start to any White Fang camps
Blake: it's been a while, but I know Adam always had a large camp on the mountain
Me: we start there first, but we need an army.....round up the strongest hunters and huntresses at Beacon....we will need them

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