[ 8 ] - Coffee Shop Resturant

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Clearly my long silence was a way for Mrs. Strout to understand i needed more time to think about things. "How about this," Mrs. Strout pulled up a chair as quietly as possible beside me, "Why don't you stay here for the rest of the week, and if you like it you're allowed to stay—if you still want to switch, i'll find you another partner, okay?"

I nodded my head in agreement, mainly because i could practically feel my throat tightening up within seconds, but also because i knew undoubtedly that the sudden warmth in my stomach and the wetness forming on my palms was because of Noah's intense staring. With a short thin lipped smile, Mrs. Strout stood up again and continued her way around the classroom, occasionally nudging children who were sleeping and scolding others if they were talking and laughing so much they hadn't noticed her presence. Absentmindedly i slumped into my chair and adjusted my crossed legs before trying to focus on the screen again. My hands found there way between my thighs and for a split second i tried to forget Noah even existed so i could get something from the documentary, but my attention span flourished when i noticed him discreetly push himself a couple inches away from me.

The warmth inside me became invisible and throughout the rest of the class i wasn't able to get rid of the rotting feeling that took over my emotions, but at least i was able to pay attention.


"Would you like a refill, dear?" Said a cracked, feminine voice.

Tearing away my eyes from the words displayed on the book i looked up, there stood a middle-aged waitress holding the coffee cup with spare straws in the pocket of her apron. Her uniform was old fashioned, the same way the diner i sat in was. Instantly i straightened myself and nodded my head, "Er . . . yes, please." the fallen locks of hair from my messy hair-do fell before my eyes, and i made no effort to try and pull them back.

The woman nodded and poured the steaming liquid into my empty cup, i crossed my legs over each other and sank back into the booth as i resumed my reading. Today was one of those days where i decided to spend the remaining hours of the day in a warm, coconut pie and coffee displayed building that wasn't my home. There were only a handful of people in the resturant, and the majority of them were adults, which was one of the reasons i'd rather spend my days in here other than the library. Not a lot of teenagers want to come into a old-school diner/resturant that didn't have anything that would interest them besides pies and pies and more pies. I, on the other hand, would likely be buried here.

Besides the pies and the coffee, though, the silent serenity was rewarding after a long day filled with loud, old children. Just as the waitress left, another one came and placed a small white plate with a thick slice of coconut pie on it beside the empty one i had ate half an hour ago.

I looked up again and smiled when i spotted the small, black figure collecting the empty plate in front of me, "Thank you, Dolores," i spoke sincerely.

Dolores flashed me a smile exposing her deep dimples and shrugged her small shoulders, "I know how much you like your coconut pie, Jamie. No need for the thanks, my treat." Afterward she walked back into the kitchen for her other customers' orders, catching sight of the beautiful slice of pie i straightened up again and dug in.

It felt and tasted like heaven.

The texture of the pie made the insides of my stomach flutter gratefully, a sigh of content escaped me and before i knew it i was sipping my coffee to wash it down. The thickness in my throat made me remember how i was feeling earlier today in Mrs. Strout's classroom . . . sitting beside Noah . . . again. Today marks the second day of being assigned to Ancient Greek instead of American Literature, it was still taking time to getting used to things, but i imagined (and hoped) that it may take longer. The feeling of Noah's presence each minute i was there made me like being in the class more and more.

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