Pinning Hope

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"Are you shitting me...?"

Ye Gui Feng sighs in disappointment as he stands in the center of a round room. From the looks of it this round room used to have been a grand archive due to the walls being made up of bookshelves. But the books here are now all a pile of ashes that are stacked up on the ground.

After emerging from within the tunnel way Ye Gui Feng found age worn room with a few treasures but all of these treasures had been covered up in rust due to the wears of time.

There were even skeletal corpses within the room. Some of the bones on these bodies are snapped or cracked. Something like this most likely indicate that a slaughter had taken place here.

"What a murder room mystery setup this is..."

In his hand is a snapped sword that Ye Gui Feng readily tosses to the side.

These four skeletal corpses that Ye Gui Feng sees before him had worn some nice clothes in their prime judging by the barely visible patterns that had almost vanished with age.

"Now then... Why did a slaughter take place here? Were some of these people invaders or..."

[Lord these dead guys were all immortals alright!]

Yin Lang with a bone in his mouth that's currently biting at it looks quite elated.

"Oh? Good for you on finding some nice food to eat."

Reaching a hand out into the air Ye Gui Feng frowns.

"Dammit their souls are long gone..."

Sighing depressingly Ye Gui Feng shakes his head. There doesn't seem to be anything here at all...

"Ah whatever regardless of them being invaders or not I could care less. They're dead anyways. If anything they probably just broke out in an argument after being sealed here in this realm for so long."

Being isolate without anywhere to go while in a realm that's basically a barren wasteland can drive anyone insane even if they are some almighty immortal.

"What's really important is me figuring out a way to get the hell out of here..."

Ye Gui Feng can't possibly head back the way he came from. Once he goes outside he'll be bombarded by magic from all sides after offending so many people.

But at the same time Ye Gui Feng can't just not head outside. This realm closes in less than ten months' time.

If Ye Gui Feng continues to stay here pass that time frame he'll be trapped. The exit portal that takes one outside of this realm is said to be located further in the north.

As Ye Gui Feng thought about a solution to his problems a plan comes to mind but it wasn't doable...

"My only chance of escaping from those people outside is to breakthrough into the Soul Separation realm..."

Ye Gui Feng kicks off of the ground and heads further up the round room. Upon reaching the top he only sees a-

"Seriously what kind of design is this?"

Ye Gui Feng didn't see a stone ceiling but rather a door that he readily opens. Yin Lang quickly follows as the two head upwards.

"Seriously who the hell designed this place?"

Going through the stone door the pathway turns sideways as Ye Gui Feng and Yin Lang moves forward.

[Who knows? Regardless I hope to find some more bones to chew on.]

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