I Don't Want to Leave Yet!

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Ye Gui Feng's name rises once more in the trial grounds.

Ye Gui Feng, ???, rank 7,091, trial four.

"Hm? Someone new had actually made it to the fourth trial?"

"Why is his cultivation shown as three question marks?"

This time Ye Gui Feng's name managed to gather some attention from the crowd. A few people even used their jade slips to check on his status.

"Now we can finally see just how powerful his Ghostly Spirit Body really is."

Yao Nie Tian smiles as he sees Ye Gui Feng appearing within the fourth trial grounds.

The fourth trial ground is a land of darkness. The gate is located at the very center of the trial grounds but to get to it one must walk through a pillar of ghosts.

Baleful wails and roars of evil spirits can be heard upon entering into the fourth trial ground.

Towards this scenery that looks like a partial depiction of Hell Ye Gui Feng looks on with wide eyes.


The amount of ghosts here is mind numbingly high. They erupt from the dark earths and pierce into the dark heavens in the form of a spiraling tower of burning darkness.

"Even if he has a powerful control skill over ghosts it would be difficult to make it through here."

As Yao Nie Tian, Yao Lei Yun, and some of the disciples of the Yao family look on through their respective methods Ye Gui Feng takes his first step into the pillar of baleful spirits.

Upon taking his first step thousands of ghosts head towards Ye Gui Feng and surrounds his body.

But instead of the ghosts attempting to possess Ye Gui Feng this scene that caused many eyes to pop looks more like Ye Gui Feng absorbing the ghosts instead.

With a calm look on his face Ye Gui Feng absorbs all the ghosts into his body and begins to refine the vile magic energies that they possessed.

In the midst of this refining Ye Gui Feng can feel his cultivation base rising at an extremely fast rate.

From the 21st level of Qi Condensation it rises to the 22nd level and without stopping it approaches the 23rd level.

Within ten minutes the amount of steps that Ye Gui Feng has taken is triple the amount of steps that any other challenger would have been able to take upon arrival.


"How is he taking so many steps without being driven insane!?"

"Isn't this trial supposed to test one's will power!?"

A massive commotion breaks out amongst the cultivator who are outside of the trial grounds. This causes more people to quickly check their jade slips for Ye Gui Feng's name.

After an hour had gone by the news of Ye Gui Feng in the fourth trial spreads like wildfire.

No one bothered to count the amount of steps that Ye Gui Feng has taken now as they focus on simply watching Ye Gui Feng approach the gate of the fifth trial.

"Hmm this is too slow."

Adjusting his breathing method Ye Gui Feng's Ghostly Spirit Body intensifies as the red light that surrounds him increases in brightness. This draws in more ghosts towards him.

At this very moment it is as if Ye Gui Feng's entire body has become that of a black hole. His cultivation base rapidly rises as it tries to break into the 25th level of Qi Condensation!



Yao Lei Yun and Yao Nie Tian are both speechless about Ye Gui Feng's method of breaking through the fourth trial.

There doesn't seem to be an end to the amount of ghosts that Ye Gui Feng can absorb. In fact this had lightened the burden of the other challengers as all the ghosts in the trial grounds are swarming in on Ye Gui Feng alone.


"How is he absorbing these ghosts?"

"Any other person would try to expel these ghosts not absorb them!"

Both the two elders watching Ye Gui Feng suck in a breath of cold air before they break out in cold sweat.

"No we can't let him continue to absorb these ghosts!"

"If he continues to absorb these ghosts the fourth trial ground will become a joke!"

Yao Nie Tian quickly transmit a message through a jade slip and momentarily a figure appears in the fourth trial grounds.

They were told to come here to throw out a challenger who's disrupting the natural orders of the fourth trial grounds.

Upon entry into the fourth trial they quickly found what they are looking for. This went completely beyond their expectations.

"What is this!?"

The figure dressed in a black set of robes is an elderly old man and he looks on with astonishment towards Ye Gui Feng before he performs an incantation gesture and points to the boy at the center of this maelstrom of ghosts.

With their divine senses in the form of an invisible hand the elder grabs hold of Ye Gui Feng and proceeds to move him towards the next trial grounds.


Feeling himself being pushed towards the gate that leads to the fifth trial grounds by an unknown force Ye Gui Feng screams.

"Wait! I'm not done absorbing yet! I've nearly broken through! Why are you so stingy!?"

These words made the eyes of every single person that's watching Ye Gui Feng to turn bloodshot with rage.

"Dammit! Anyone would want out of that hellhole as soon as possible!"

"But he actually wants to stay in it!?"

"Don't tell me that he's actually some kind of ghost lord in his previous life..."

Being on the verge of breaking through to the 25th level of Qi Condensation made Ye Gui Feng anxious as his eyes went bloodshot with rage.

Raising his foot Ye Gui Feng stomps it onto the ground and stabs his talon like nails down to stay in place.

"Son of a bitch!"

The elderly figure in the skies look on with shock at Ye Gui Feng's persistence to remain here in the fourth trial.

"I just need a little more time!"

Ye Gui Feng grits his teeth while enduring the force that's pushing him towards the gate.


The elderly man grits his teeth and unleashes more of his Nascent Soul realm cultivation's might and changes the pushing force into a powerful pulling force!


Ye Gui Feng's nails drag along the ground as he is pulled towards the gate like a cat that's unwilling to leave from its comfort zone!

"Stop! I don't want to leave yet!"

"Evildoer get out!"

A vein pops on the elderly old man's head as he roars and increases the pulling force!

The sight of an elder of the Nascent Soul realm trying so hard to get Ye Gui Feng to leave left everyone speechless.

"*Sigh* this fourth trial ground was made for him..."

Yao Lei Yun sighs heavily as he sees Ye Gui Feng's reluctance to leave the fourth trial.



With a cold snort the Nascent Soul realm elder finally managed to throw Ye Gui Feng out of the fourth trial grounds and into the fifth trial grounds.

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