Meeting with the Sect Master

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"This is just..."



"I heard that without confirming one's Dao it will make it impossible to enter the Soul Separation realm..."

Long Huangrong, Feng Jian Yun, Li Shuiling had all gathered in Ye Gui Feng Immortal Cave as they each let out a heavy sigh as a group.

Ye Gui Feng's current attire is just that of a simplistic set of red robes. His Legacy Disciple uniform is still being repaired.

"I can understand myself not having a Dao to follow but you three as well?"

Ye Gui Feng looks skeptically at the three in front of him. Considering how lost he is in life with a simplistic desire as a motivation to reach immortality Ye Gui Feng can understand why he doesn't have a Dao to follow. But these people...

"Well it doesn't come easy."

Li Shuiling averts her eyes as if embarrassed about this whereas Feng Jian Yun merely chuckles with a shrug.

"This is why certain people are stuck at the Nascent Soul realm for 500 years sometimes."

Long Huangrong looks bitter as she begrudgingly speaks.


To Ye Gui Feng that is a scary thought. 500 years from now he would have long since become fertilizer for the plants if he doesn't move upwards in his cultivation.

"*Sigh* there's a few elders or even patriarchs that are interested in taking us in as personal disciples which is nice."

"Yeah we can ask for some guidance then. But..."

"And this brings us to our next issue..."

Despite that being a good thing the four couldn't get too excited about it. As Li Shuiling has come to find out the price of resources are ridiculously high in this sect upon visiting the item pavilion only to return with a sour look.

It is mainly due to the fact that the Heavenly Demon Sect have only the best of the best in terms of resources but with that being the case the price of these resources will naturally be more than what they can hope to afford.

Before leaving their respective sects they had been given a generous amount of spirit stones but even that won't last long with how high the prices are.

"*Sigh* I say Xiao Feng you're better off than us. You're a Legacy Disciple and this makes it so that you get a better discount than any of us at the item pavilion."

"It doesn't mean anything without any money..."

They had been taking advantage of this fact by having Ye Gui Feng be the one holding the spirit stones and merit points for the purchasing of their desired items.

As Ye Gui Feng didn't need to rely on pills as much in his cultivation he was better off than most of them. But he still needs money for Qi replenishing pills and food pills.

"*Sigh* how about we head out for a mission?"

Li Shuiling suggests this as she pulls out a detailed piece of paper that she had used to keep a record of the sect's mission board. On it is a list of missions with a brief explanation of what they entail and their respective rewards.

"The easy one have low payouts and the difficult ones have high payouts but are they really worth the risks?"

Ye Gui Feng views this from the risks and worth perspective instead of the profit perspective. Those that jump into the line of fire for glory in his eyes are mere soon to be corpses.

"That really does depend..."

"Well what about this one then?"

"Honestly the easiest way to make cash without risks after getting enough funds is to really just go take on a crafting profession..."

However Ye Gui Feng isn't willing to do so. Sure the profit will be extremely nice considering his notorious reputation of having two Soul Separation realm Jiangshis. In fact a few had even requested him to make them but...

(Spreading out the knowledge of making these kinds of Jiangshi will surely get the Yao family's attention. When that happens...)

The consequences won't be that big for Ye Gui Feng but for the Heavenly Demon Sect it's a completely different story.

Between the Yao family and the Heavenly Demon Sect Ye Gui Feng doesn't know which one would have the upper hand in terms of authority or power.

But Ye Gui Feng does know that the Yao family has far too many secrets of their own. Their forces of over 100 patriarchs of the immortal realm aren't anything to scuff at.

(Does this mean that... Lu-yeye needs to make a return to the rivers and lakes?)

Ye Gui Feng considered the possibilities of this but...

(I wonder how well relying on donations will go this time...)

"Xiao Feng what do you think?"

"Hm? Uh..."

"*Sigh* this."

Ye Gui Feng takes a look at the mission that Li Shuiling had pointed to.

This one is a gathering quest that has one go to the distant mountains to pick up herbs of the sixth grade. But...

"From what I've heard the distant mountains are filled with Nascent Soul realm monsters..."


"So this is out then."

"I honestly feel like unless one is at the Nascent Soul realm you can't get anything done here."

"It's as if they expected you to be at that level upon entry."

Another heavy sigh comes from the mouth of everyone here. It was also then that Ye Gui Feng received a transmission through his identification medallion.

"Oh? Master is calling. I'll see go see what he wants and ask if there's anything that can be done about your situations."

"Got it."

Ye Gui Feng heads off to meet with Xie Mo Xin but the meeting place is somewhat special considering how it's in the sect master's halls. This most likely means that he will be meeting with the sect master as well.

Without wasting any time Ye Gui Feng flies to the central landmass of the sect and quickly appears at the entrance of the grand halls.

The building is made entirety out of stone and laces of gold decorating it. This really does remind Ye Gui Feng of an ancient ruin that's been restored back to its prime.

"Disciple Ye Gui Feng has come to visit."

Ye Gui Feng clasps his hands together and gave a bow.

[Come in.]

A voice transmits from inside and Ye Gui Feng strolls right in.


At the center of the meeting halls is a big round table and placed onto it are a grand lineup of food.

These are mostly magic or demonic beast meat and just one whiff Ye Gui Feng can tell that they are of the highest quality.

"Come and sit."

Xie Mo Xin with his hood on turns to Ye Gui Feng. Sitting by Xie Mo Xin is another elderly man dressed in a dark purple set of robes. This person is sect master of the Heavenly Demon Sect, Sun Yuanzuo.

Sitting down Ye Gui Feng didn't touch any of the food as he turns to face Sun Yuanzuo who smiles kindly at him.

"Hahaha this is our first time meeting each other face to face. I am the sect master Sun Yuanzuo. Xiao Feng you did well in the trial grounds."

"Ah it wasn't much. I'm rather disappointed in not being able to go further."

Ye Gui Feng smiles with a small nod.

(Why do I get the feeling that something isn't right?)

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