Blood of a Paragon Immortal

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Upon Ye Gui Feng appearing in the first trial grounds the sea beasts all wail. Seeing these powerful sea beasts retreating in the midst of Ye Gui Feng's approach leaves those that saw this for the first time in shock.

"Hmph count yourselves lucky today as well. Your young master here is in a rush."

It didn't take long for Ye Gui Feng to reach the second trial grounds and in the same shocking manner as before he pulls out the crocodile Jiangshi and stands on top of its head while it charges through the enemies leaving the phantom practitioner helplessly unable to hold him back.

"Th-This bastard...!"

"This is how he got through trial grounds one and two!?"

Quickly Ye Gui Feng appears in the third trial ground and moves through the blizzard in a very carefree manner until he finds the gate.

There was a bit of expectations in the fourth trial grounds but upon emerging into the trial grounds Ye Gui Feng is pulled towards the gate.

"Just how badly did he cheat in this part of the trial grounds that they must kick him out upon entering!?"

In slightly over an hour Ye Gui Feng appears in the fifth trial.

"What is he doing?"

Yao Nie Tian and Yao Lei Yun look on towards Ye Gui Feng's current actions with furrowed eyebrows.

"There's so much blood in here that trying to find it will be difficult but if I think about it the original should be at the far bottom of the pool. I just need to swim down towards it. Although..."

Ye Gui Feng naturally did some research on this matter as well. There has been people before him that didn't belong to the Yao family's bloodlines who had attempted this trial ground only to die.

Even if some of them had powerful blood manipulation arts they still didn't last all that long.

This trial ground serves to test one's bloodline density. The purer one's bloodline is in this trial the better.

This means that this trial ground itself is really just a rite of passage to the sixth trial for the clansmen of the Yao family.

Gritting his teeth Ye Gui Feng steps into the halls of blood with his eyes shut tightly. The moment that he steps into the bloody rain his clothes begin to melt off.

The rain tickles Ye Gui Feng causing an irritating itch to appear over his skin. Sucking in a deep breath Ye Gui Feng dives down into the pool of blood and begins to swim deeper into it.

"He jumped in?"

"Did he go insane?"

The further along that Ye Gui Feng dives the denser the blood got and the more discomfort it brings to him.

[Get out!]

An angry voice shouts within his head screaming at Ye Gui Feng to get out of the blood pool.

Suddenly Ye Gui Feng feels like he is surrounded by a massive number of enemies as if this entire pool of blood is against him.

After submerging himself down to the 1,700 meter mark Ye Gui Feng begins to rotate his cultivation base and uses the blood manipulation art that he had trained in.

As a misty sphere of blood forms between his palms Ye Gui Feng manages to push away the blood that is closing in on him.

From there Ye Gui Feng begins to sink slowly down into the depths of the blood pool.

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