XXII- Welcome to Regretville

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Livia's P.O.V.

My eyes open slowly to adjust to the light. "What time is it?" I ask myself, my voice is hoarse so I clear my throat. I reach for my phone on the nightstand when I realize that this isn't my nightstand. The memories from last night come rushing back as I look around Shawn's room. He's not in here and I look down to see that I am completely naked under the sheet. "Oh my God." I say. I don't even remember falling asleep.

I stand up from the bed and look around. All of my clothes are downstairs so I find one of his shirts and put it on, it reaches my upper thighs thank God. I open the door and look down the hallway, there's no one there. Maybe he left? Just as I think that I hear shuffling coming from downstairs.

I make my way down to where the sound is coming from in the kitchen. "Good morning." Shawn says just as he turns to me. He eyes me up and down, I lower his shirt.

"Sorry, I didn't want to come down here naked." I admit awkwardly.

He waves me off, pouring a cup of coffee, "Cream or sugar?"

"Uh, both." I say. When he's done he hands me the mug. I thank him and blow on it so it cools down.

He makes up his coffee and then leans against the counter, "I washed your clothes. They should be done."

"Thank you..." I tell him, finally taking a drink of the coffee. I can't look him in the eyes. I feel too weird so I keep my attention to the mug in my hand. "I should go home."

I hear him set down his cup, "Livia look at me."

When I don't do what he says he comes up to me and lifts my chin so that I have to meet his gaze, "There's no need to be embarrassed about last night." His reassurance is nice but it doesn't change how I feel.

"Last night was wrong." He moves my hair behind my ear and then leans in to kiss me. I don't miss how perfectly our mouths move together but I force myself to take a step back anyway. "I can't." I whisper as I set my cup down beside his.

"Then tell me why you could last night?" He's slightly angry with me I can tell yet his face remains calm as ever.

My arm falls to my side hastily, "What do you want me to say? I'm just a dumb teenager with an abusive boyfr-" My hand flies up to my mouth at what I just said.

I know that he knows about Dean but it's so different saying it out loud. "Is that why you came here? He hurt you again?" I stay silent as realization hits him, "Your waist." Shawn whispers as he remembers my wince at his touch last night.

Shawn closes the space between us as he grabs the hem of my shirt and lifts it up to look at my waist. When his fists clench at the fabric I know what he sees. At his reaction I pull away and find the nearest bathroom.

I lift up the shirt in the mirror and gasp at the bruises that had formed overnight. They're a dark purple in the shape of his hands. "Shit." I breathe as I examine them.

Shawn walks in behind me, looking at me through the mirror he says, "Dean did that to you." There was no question about it.

"I know." I snap, lowering the shirt and leaning on the wall behind me with a sigh.

Shawn steps out and walks back in with my bra and panties and what looks like a pair of his sweatpants. "Here, change into this." He says as he hands them to me. He doesn't watch me as I change, I don't know if it's to be polite or because he can't stand to see the bruises.

When I'm done Shawn looks back at me, "What happened last night?"

I shake my head and walk out of the bathroom and into the living room, "It was an accident." I lie.

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