Chapter 4 (Ridley)

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I make my way into the dining pavilion for breakfast. When I get there, I find an energetic Paku in my seat.

"Mornin'," she chimes.

"Good morning to you too," I greet back.

She scoots over and pats the seat next to her. "I already ordered your breakfast for you."

Normally she'll order the squid and laugh as my plate is set before me. I was expecting nothing to change today.

"You're eating it," I reply.

Paku smiles widely. "Don't be silly. You got something good today. It's my congratulations present."

"Congratulations for what?" I ask. I haven't done anything noteworthy enough lately to get a present.

"I thought you'd be the first to hear. I guess you'll just have to wait till you're told properly." She nods toward the pavilion entrance. "That's what Crow must be doing now."

I follow her gaze to the archway. Crow is walking toward us with Barrick at her side.

The sight of Barrick makes me agitated. "I'll see you later," I say as I stand up.

Paku grabs my arm and pulls me pack into my seat. "You're gonna wanna hear what they both have to say."

They finally reach me. Barrick smiles childishly at me while Crow returns my scowl. I never have liked either of them. Crow is too serious and Barrick is not serious enough.

"How ya doin', Beautiful?" He winks at me.

"I'll be better once you leave," I grumble.

Crow clears her throat. "You two can exchange pleasantries once I'm done." She sets down a manilla envelope with Alister Ravenna written on it.

"This is the Bane's information. All of his abilities and strengths are listed in here. You'll get his weaknesses later."

"Why can't I have them now?" I ask.

"He hasn't been through the examinations yet. Once they have been confirmed, you'll have access to them."

I'm still confused. "Why am I even getting any of this?"

Crow points to Barrick. "He'll fill you in." With that, she turns around and walks off.

From her reaction to my question, I can tell I won't like the news.

Barrick's face confirms it.

"Why does Crow hate me?" he sighs.

"She's not the only one," I mumble.

Paku covers her mouth and stifles her laughter. Barrick sticks his tongue out at her.

"Get to the point," I tell him.

"Right. So, uh, promise you won't yell when I tell you," he pleads.

"I'll make that promise when you tell me," I say impatiently.

He takes a breath. "Heh, yeah, uh, Lord kinda, uh, chose you and I to train the Bane."

Perfect. Lord will have hell to pay for making that decision. I'd be fine if I had to train him with anyone else, or even by myself for that matter. But Barrick is a whole new story.

"Ridley?" Barrick asks.

I realize I still haven't said anything. "You're going to die. I'm going to kill you myself." I stand and ready my flame, but Paku holds me back.

"You have to realize it's going to be great," she tries to assure me. "Lord chose you two for a specific reason, at least find what it was before you decide to kill him."

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