Chapter 2 (Alister)

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I dreamt that I was with my parents again.

My mother is sitting by my side, her hands clenched around my thin, bony wrists. My father holds a knife from the drawer, its tip dripping with crimson.

Tears run down my face as I try to pry free from my mother's grasp. I know she's protecting me, but I still fear that she'll turn to my father's side.

"Get away from him, Gale. He's not human. You saw what he just did. That's not normal for a three year old human boy," My father warns.

"This boy is just as human as us," my mother sobs. "We are his parents. We are supposed to love him no matter what." She pulls me closer to her, my bloody chest pressed against her heart. "If you're going to kill him, you'll have to kill me first," she hiccups.

My father hesitates for a moment, then lifts the knife above my mother. She screams as he buries it into her forehead. Her body goes limp.

Realizing what he's done, my father stumbles back, his eyes wide and unfocused. Before I realize what happened, my father crumples to the floor, the knife protruding from his chest.


I wake with a start.

A single ray of light flows into the room from a square window near the ceiling. I instantly become cautious of my surroundings; they lack familiarity. A table sits to my right, the bowl upon it is filled with grapes and berries. Pristine white carpet covers the floor. The walls are painted a pine green. A wide oak door stands on the far side of the room.

I climb out of the bed and walk to the door. Through its small window, I can see people in black cloaks and cyberpunk jumpsuits hurry down a long hall.

I try calling out to them, but no one seems to hear me. Eventually I give up and settle back onto the bed. I lean against the wall with my knees pulled up to my chest.

Hours pass before I get any attention. Finally, the door swings open to reveal a benign Barrick.

"How ya holdin' up?" he says pitifully.

I watch him warily as he comes farther into the room. He sits on the foot of my bed, his eyes never leaving me.

I stay silent.

"I know you're not the talkative type, but at least say something, please," he pleads.

I have a thousand thoughts rushing through my mind, but I choose the one that sticks out the most. "What the hell happened?"

Barrick whistles. "You aren't even going to say 'hi'? It's been, what, a whole day since I saw you last?"

"Yeah, well, I'm not exactly in a positive mood right now," I say blatantly.

"I wouldn't expect you to be, I guess." Barrick swings his legs over the edge of the bed and lays them in my lap. I shove them off.

He sighs. "To be honest, I wasn't expecting it to be you. I'd been searching for years and all this time you were right under my nose."

I gaze questioningly at him. He gazes back, a smirk on his bright face.

"You quite are somethin'. Who knew the Bane would be a seventeen year old, scar covered, bullied to hell and back weakling? None of us saw it coming."

"Thanks," I retort.

He chuckles. "You know it's true. Although, Lord is quite happy you turned out to be attractive. She can't wait for the Reproduction."

I catch my breath. "Reproduction? What the hell are you talking about?"

He laughs. "The whole reason we've been searching for the Bane is to have an heir for the throne. Lord needs the same level Pyre to have a child. If she has one with a lower level, the offspring will be too weak to rule."

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