How to Put it Back in

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How to Put it Back in

This one is really weird and bloody, read at your own risk. Picture to the side is the inspiration --->


     The boys were all sitting on the very small couch. Louis was on Harry's lap, and Niall was on Zayn's, Liam placed in between them. Zayn currently had his arms wrapped around Niall's waist, his chin resting on Niall's shoulder. Niall's stomach was doing flip flops, he loved being around Zayn. After what seemed like hours, the interview lady walked into the room, a short red dress on, big red high heels on her feet. 

     "How are you all doing on this lovely day?" She greeted, a smile plastered on her lipstick coated lips. She took a seat in a plush chair across from the boys, ignoring the cameras off to the side. Liam answered her, but Niall wasn't paying much attention to him. Zayn was rubbing small circles into his hips, and Niall was trying as hard as he could to keep from moaning. 

     "So let's get down to business, shall we?" Without waiting for an answer back from the five boys in front of her, she launched into her first question. "Out of all the boys, who usually fights the most?" Without discussing the question amongst themselves, Louis and Liam raised their hands, chuckling. 

      "I feel like I'm always yelling at Louis for something. He forgot to put away his shoes, he forgot to put the mail in the mailbox, he didn't do the dishes on his night. Living with these lads is awesome, but sometimes it gets a little hectic," Liam responded, both of the boys bringing their arm down. The lady smiled, crossing her legs. 

     "It must be, you boys are quite a handful sometimes," she laughed annoyingly. Niall didn't like this woman, not one bit. "So, recently, I set out a pull to see which One Direction bromances are the hottest. Ziall was ranked second-next to Larry, of course-of them all. Zayn, Niall, how do you feel about this?" 

     Niall's heart skipped a beat. This was it. This is where Zayn would crush the hope living in Niall, or make his dreams come true. "I agree with what Louis says about Larry, Ziall is rubbish. There is no romance going on between me and Niall. We're just really close, but there is nothing going on with us." Niall's heart sank to his feet, tears building up behind his eyes. Niall felt foolish for thinking that he ever had a chance with Zayn. There was no way that Zayn-beautiful, gorgeous, perfect Zayn-would be in love with Niall, the most plain and least interesting one in the band. 

     "Ah, that's a shame," the lady smiled sadly, "you would make an adorable couple." Niall wanted to smile, but he held it in as he shifted a little in Zayn's lap. "Next question, targeted specifically at Niall. If you had to be stuck with one of the lads for the rest of your life, who would it be?" 

     "Zayn," Niall blurted out, unable to stop and think about who he should choose. "He's the one who is always there to cheer me up. He picks up easily on my moods, and he's good at cuddling with me. I remember one night when I was crying-I can't even remember what for anymore-he came in and hopped into bed. Neither of us spoke, he just wrapped me up in the blankets and pulled me into his arms and we fell asleep that way." Niall's cheeks were bright red by the time he finished, hating that everyone was looking at him. 

     Zayn pulled Niall closer to him, his head knocking slightly against the blonde's. "That's sweet," the lady commented, watching as Niall relaxed into Zayn, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "So, Harry, I hear that you and Louis share a room?" 

     "Yes we do," Harry smiled cheekily, moving Louis a little so that he could see the woman asking him the question. 

     "Could you give us the scoop on that?" She asked, folding her hands in her lap. Niall zoned out, focusing on the way that Zayn's hands were moving softly at his hips, using such gentleness. Zayn was always careful with Niall, not wanting to hurt the pale boy. Niall had noticed that Zayn only had this carefulness with Niall, and none of the other boys. Niall almost wished it wasn't like that, that way he wouldn't get the false hope that Zayn might actually like him back. 

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