Chapter twenty

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"Can we at least take this outside then and away from the lady?" Finnegan demanded. "If ya come close to hurtin' her again, Pretty Zeke, It'll be you that's doin' the dyin'."

"Nobody is going to be killing anybody," another voice chimed in. Finnegan turned his gaze to the right and saw the three lawmen standing there staring back down at him, "Do we have a problem here?" the one bearing a sheriff's badge asked.

"Of course not," Finnegan replied quickly as Cassandra helped him to his feet. "I tripped and fell into this good man's fist and sadly the table took the brunt of the accident."

"I'm sure," the sheriff drawled. "Now, Ezekiel here is known for causing trouble so who might the two of you be?"

"Name's Finnegan," Finnegan bowed deeply, though he regretted it when his head swam. "And..uh. this is Cassandra. My..."

"His wife," Cassandra spoke quickly stepping in front of Finnegan.

Finnegan couldn't explain the emotion he felt at hearing her call herself his wife. It made him feel tough and strong yet soft and weak all at the same time.

Cassandra cast imploring eyes at the lawmen and batted her pretty lashes. "Sheriff, I apologize for the disturbance. My husband has had a bit too much to drink tonight and he simply loses all decency when he does so. I'm truly sorry for the mess but since no one has been harmed, other than my oaf of a husband, please allow me to take him up to bed...."

The sheriff shifted his feet and seemed more than a little swayed. Before he could speak however another voice was filling the room. "No!" The hotel clerk shouted as he stormed over. "I want money for the damage done here tonight and for the interruption to the evening."

"We don't have any money to give," Cassandra replied. "Please we are just starting out and heading west to settle. We have no money to pay for any of this damage."

Finnegan noticed that Ezekiel was trying to edge away. He reached out and caught the other man by the arm, stopping him in his tracks.

"Then put these two men in jail until I get my money!" The hotel clerk demanded with a snort as he crossed his arms over his thin chest.

"I'm sensin' a flaw in your logic," Finnegan spoke up. "How am I to get ya your money if I'm locked in a cell?"

"I'm sure your little woman will figure something out," Ezekiel snorted. Finnegan wanted to knock him for a loop, or at least try to once again, but the lawman was grabbing him then and slapping cuffs on his wrists.

"Finnegan!" Cassandra exclaimed. "Please, sirs, this man attacked my husband! I understand that Finnegan should have simply walked away but..."

"Save it, miss," the sheriff snapped as one of the deputies went about cuffing Ezekiel. "We're going to let these two cool off until morning and then we'll see about getting Mr. Wilson's money to him."

"And what am I to do? Am I still permitted to stay upstairs in my room?" Cassandra demanded with an indignant snort.

"I suppose," Mr. Wilson grumbled after a sharp glance from the sheriff.

Finnegan met Cassandra's eyes and he could see her disappointment and annoyance. He hung his head as he was lead from the hotel with Ezekiel behind him. He had just got done vowing to Cassandra that he would be a good man, one she could count on, and now look at him! He was going to jail.

He and Ezekiel were tossed into cells next to one another and Finnegan slumped down on his cot. Hell, he wouldn't be surprised if she took off in the night with Theo and the map and found the treasure herself. Hell, he sure hadn't done anything to help her so far on this journey... All he'd managed to do was get her into trouble and get into trouble himself.

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