Chapter Twenty Three

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The Next few weeks for all the teens were spent between school work, and training. They all trained vigorously, the Alpha had learned about a tournament and he wanted some of his pack members to go so they could be deemed the most powerful pack.
"Ok everyone there is two weeks till the tournament and the Alpha wants you guys to work extra hard ok, so you know your groups and your partners now break off and I'll give you your task for today" Sabrina said. Everyone teamed up, everyone but Christie and Winter.
"Christie where's your partner?" Sabrina asked her.
"Um I don't know, she wasn't at school today, nobody has seen her all day" was Christies reply.
"Max have you seen Winter?"
"Um no ma'am not since our date yesterday"
"Well you know the penalties if she doesn't show up?"
"Yes ma'am" the whole group said.
"Five minutes to find her go" Sabrina yelled and started her timer.
Five minutes later everyone came back empty handed.
"So nobody found her?"
"No ma'am" the all responded.
"Three hundred laps one and a half hours go" Sabrina yelled starting her timer. While the teens did there penalty laps Luna Paige was making her way towards Sabrina.
"How can I help you today Luna"
"Are you wondering where Winter is?"
"Actually yes i am, she didn't show up for training so now all the other kids are doing penalty laps"
"Well make them stop, because Winter wasn't going to show anyway today, today is the anniversary of her mother's death" Luna Paige told her.
"Oh I didn't know I call them all back"
Sabrina called all the teens back and apologized to them saying they didn't need to do there penalty laps anymore Winter didn't show up due to personal issues, so Christie you will spar with me"
As soon as they started get to their combat down it started to pour so they cancelled training and sent everyone inside.
----- knock knock -----
"Come in" Luna Paige yelled from the couch. Brock and Anthony made there way inside and apologized for being late.
"Your fine" Alpha Stevens said motioning for them to Come sit down.
"So is she still gone" Brock asked.
"Yes, she hasn't been here all day" Luna Paige said.
Winter sat in the middle of the woods and cried her heart out. Everything over the past few weeks have started to weigh on her. She was the queen now but nobody knew, her mother's murderer was now out to kill her father. Winter started to hyperventilate and started to clutch at her chest. Everything came crashing down at her, she felt like she was drowning. Everything was almost dark around until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see her mother floating above her.
"Hey baby, why are you crying?"
"Because of everything that has happened recently, I became queen few weeks ago, and the person who killed you is after dad, I can't handle all of this , I wanted you to be there when I became queen, I wanted to be able have a big ceremony and invite my friends and couldn't, I want to live with my father and have him close to me but can't, everything has changed so fast and I just want to be held by my parents" she said sliding back down the tree. Winter was lifted up off the ground and pulled into a big hug.
"Its ok baby"
"Daddy?" She said pulling a little bit away from him to see his face.
"Yes it's me"
"What are you doing here?"
"I could sense your distress, I wanted to make sure you were ok"
"I just wanted to be held by my parents but I can only be held by one cause the other ones a ghost"
Right before Winters very eyes her mother went from ghost to a actual person. She didn't waste any time getting a hug from her mother. Her father then joined in the hug. She held on to both her parents because she knew this moment would last long.
"Now baby listen to us ok, we are always with you, and always will be, I was there when you became queen you couldn't see me but you could feel my presence, you have a mate honey, you should be happy"
"I know I should be but I just wanted my family"
Winters mother wiped the tears from her daughter face and told her everything would be ok and to let Max in, the sooner she did the sooner she would be truly happy. She shook her head and gave her parents a big hug before her mother had to leave her, and her dad had to go back to the castle.
"I love you guys"
"We love you to baby" her parents said as her mother disappeared and her dad shifted and ran back to the castle.
Winter watched them leave and then headed back to the castle. Winter looked down at her clothes and they were soaking wet. She shifted into her wolf and ran back to the house.
Everyone was sitting in the living room waiting on Winters return when they heard pawing at the door. Everyone got up to see who it was or what it was. Alpha Stevens opened the door to reveal Winters wolf. They all backed up to allow her inside. She looked at them and then trotted up the stairs to her room. They knew better then to mess with her, so they bid each other goodnight and would check on her in the morning.

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