Chapter Twenty One

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~~The Next Morning~~
Winter smashed her alarm clock and groaned she did not want to get up so early and train.
6:45 in the morning her alarm clock read. She had 15 minutes to get dressed and get to the training field. She took a quick shower, wrapped a towel around her body and around her hair then went to look for something to wear. She pulled out a set of matching bra and underwear, and pair of black spandex shorts, and a blue fitted tank top. After she got dressed she put her long white hair into a pony tail, put on her sneakers and walked to the training field. When she got there she saw that she was one of the first few there. The first was Max, Chris, Devon, Christie and a few other people she didn't know. The trainers were also there waiting for everyone else to arrive. Slowly but surely they should up but a few were still missing.
"Has anyone seen Misty and her crew?" Sabrina one of the trainers asked.
"They all went out last night, and they got the liquor that can actually mess us up, so she's hungover and not coming"
"Who are you?" Sabrina asked the brave wolf that answered her question.
"My name is Jake Sanders" he said.
"Well Jake Sanders if you don't go get them, you all with be punished for them missing practice, you are a pack, so one gets punished you all do, you have five minutes go"
Sabrina started the timer on her watch for Jake to go get Misty and her friends. The timer was almost to zero when you heard complaining and girls screaming, when Jake, Misty, Savannah and Monica came into view.
"Y'all look like shit" Winter said laughing at them.
"We didn't have time to change out of our dresses" Misty said to her. She turned around and looked at Sabrina and said
"We can't possible train in these dresses and our heels, so we're gonna go" Misty said to her.
"No your not going anywhere, you will train with what you got on as punishment for being late" she said directly to Misty and her crew. She turned towards everyone and said
"Now were going to split you guys up into three groups, 1) kids 2) teens and 3) adults. Mike will train the kids, Thompson will train the adults and I will train the teens. So I want you to form a single line in front of your designated trainer now"
Everyone filled in front of their trainer and then were taken to a different part of the training field. The teens were taken to front of the woods.
"Now heres what I want to happen I want all of you and I do mean all of you, to run 150 laps around the perimeter of the pack land in 1 hour. If one of you don't make it out all of you will start over and will have to keep going until everyone finishes within the hour, your time starts now" Sabrina said started her watch, and all the teens took off. Winter stayed behind most of them for a few minutes till she realized she could finish first. She finished with 10 minutes left to go. Five minutes had passed by and everyone was done except the three people who had shown up late.
"We're gonna have to do this again because of them bitches" Winter said to Christie.
"Yea I realize That"
The timer went off before Misty, Savannah and Monica showed up.
"Again" was Sabrina said to them as everyone started over. For the next three hours all they did was run because every time the same three would show up after the time ran out.
"One more time and were moving on, well do this again tomorrow"
"Hold on Sabrina before you set your timer I need to say something"
"Ok listen, the only way we gonna finish this part of training is if we drag them along so everybody grab hold of them so we can move on" Winter said stepping down.
"Ok go" Sabrina said starting her timer again. This time they all finished with 5 minutes left to go.
"Congratulations, now on to jumping jacks, give me 60"
For the next eight hours they excersised and did various sparing activities.
"Ok tomorrow, were gonna do the running again and try to do it in one try, and were gonna pair you up so y'all can try sparing with each other, ok, good, dismissed"
Winter plopped down on her bed beyond exhausted. Every part of her ached. She needed to shower but she didn't have the energy to get up at the moment.
"Hey, can I borrow some of your shampoo" Chrsitie asked dragging herself onto Winters bed.
"Yea, go ahead" Winter said not opening her eyes. Christie took her shower and then a few minutes later Winter took Hers. Winter walked out of the shower and into her room to get dressed when she noticed two people in her room.
"Brock, Anthony what are you doing here," Winter asked.
"Get dressed your coming with us" was all that Brock said to her.
"We will be in the car" Anthony said as the two walked out of her room.

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