Chapter Nine

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Winter had finally gotten all of the mud out of her hair and it back to the white it was three weeks ago. As she laid in her bed she hadn't laid in in over ten years she thought about what all had changed since she last was here. Her best friend was miserable and clearly had something wrong with her. The way she looked you could tell something happened and it broke her heart. Her eyes used to hold so much happiness now there just voids. She planned first thing in the morning to figure out what happened to her. She wanted so badly to see her mate but he was at the pack house with his girlfriend for the night. She could only imagine what they were doing. It killed her to imagine what they were doing, but she knew she had to get over it. One thing at a time she would deal with, first thing she planned to do was fix her friend.
---the next morning---
When winter woke up the next morning there were bags of clothes sitting in the middle of her bedroom floor. She knew Luna Paige had something to do with it. She searched through the bags to find something to wear for the day. She chose a pair of hot pink shorts, and a tank top long enough to cover up her scar that she didn't want to show. She brushed her long white hair into a pony tail and put on a pair of new converses and walked out of her bedroom door. She followed the smell of bacon and eggs and other breakfast foods in to the kitchen and dining hall. As soon as she stepped into the dining hall everyone that was in there instantly got quiet, and made Winter instantly uncomfortable. She stayed there till she felt a small pair of hands wrap around her leg. She looked down and saw Mary Anne looking up at her with her big brown eyes.
"Hey Sweetheart" she said looking down at her.
"Hey angel"
"What did you just call me?" Winter looked down at her confused.
"Idk your name so that's just what I wanna call you"
"Well ok then " she said picking her up and placing her on hip, not realizing that she had placed her on her scar.
She screamed which caused Luna Paige to come running to her side and taking Mary and putting her on the floor and trying to console Winter. It didn't take long for Winter to stand back up and try to put on a straight face for everyone who was watching her.
"I need to go" Winter said walking away from everyone who was watching her. She walked outside and into the patch in the forest where she first shifted and where she helped Max shift for the first time. She sat there to clear her mind until she heard someone come up behind her. She stood up and jumped into a tree and masked her scent a watched what she saw below. She saw Max and a group of teens dragging someone behind them and toss her into the center of the clearing. She gasped when she realized who it was. She watched in horror as Max and the group of kids beat up this helpless girl. They kicked her, punched her and jumped on her causing her ribs to break and her to cough up blood, once the kids were satisfied they spit on her and told her not to mess up again. Once the coast was clear she hopped down from the tree and ran to the girl. She gasped in horror as she turned the girl over and she realized who she was. Winter stared at an almost lifeless Christie. At that moment she completely lost it she cried because she believed she was getting ready to lose her best friend unless she did something about it. She didn't master the power to heal so she couldn't do anything to help her friend. She picked her up and slowly walked back to her house she was staying in with the Alpha and his family. She kicked open the front door causing everyone's head to snap in her direction.
"Hey she's not allowed to be in here" Max hollered from the couch. She looked Max dead in the eyes and
"Shut the fuck up Max, I don't care if she isn't supposed to be here, she won't be alive much longer anyway because of what y'all did to her, you are a horrible person and don't deserve the position you were born into". Max looked at her with a shocked expression, he couldn't believe anyone would ever talk to him that way. Winter started to walk up the stairs when a someone touched her. Without even thinking she turned around and kicked the person in there stomach causing them to fly back down the stair case. She looked at who she had kicked and realized it was Max and at that moment she didn't care. She walked into her room and slammed the door shut. She walked over to her bed and laid Christie down on it and the went back to lock her door so know one could get in. Winter couldn't do anything to save her friend so she did the only thing she could think of, she placed her hands on Christies heart and prayed that she would be ok. She prayed and then she started to cry and scream that it wasn't fair that she was losing her life over nothing. She didn't deserve to be taken so soon. Her tears streamed down her face and fell on her hand covering Christies heart. She cried as she felt Christies heart slowly stop beating. The tears got worse as Winter couldn't feel her heart beat anymore. She started to say she's goodbyes when she realized her hand was glowing a light green color and all the blood that had oozed at of Christie was slowly going back in. The busted lip she had healed, the bruises that covered her body faded away, and Winter could hear her ribs being snapped back together. Ten minutes went by and then Winter felt Christies heart slowly start beating. Winter never took her hand off of Christie heart until her eyes opened and she stared Winter right in the face. Winter couldn't contain her excitement as she jumped onto her best friend and started to cry some more.
"I thought I had lost you, oh thank god your okay" Winter cried. It took a minute for Christie to register who was crying on her and who had saved her.
"Winter " just choked out.
"Yes it's me, I'm here"
"Winter" she said again. She sat up and looked at Winter and then hugged her tighter then she knew she could. She had her best friend back. They sat like that for hours until Winter heard her door being unlocked and an angry Max enter with his group of friends.

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